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If they refuse to sign the application for a claim, they will not be paid the proceeds of the policy.

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Q: What happens when someone refuses to sign the claim on a life insurance policy?
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What happens if someone forge your signature to cash a life policy?

Report the forgery to your local policy department and the insurance company and you will probably be made whole.

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The will has no relationship to the insurance policy. The Policy is a contract between the insurance company and the insured and does not become a part of the estate.

What happens if someone dies and has no beneficiary on his life insurance policy?

In that case, the money will be kept deposited with the insurance company as unclaimed amount. In absence of the beneficiary, the insurance company can pay the money to the legal heir of the policy holder, but that has to be sufficiently proved in the Court of Law.

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Can someone take out a life insurance policy on someone that they do not know?

Why in the world would anyone want to pay that much money for an insurance policy if they did not know the person? Life insurance is expensive.

Can someone be added to a car insurance policy that is not a family member?

Yes, If someone will be driving the car, it is recommended to add inform your insurance company and have them added to the policy.

If insurance policy states one beeficary what happens with multiple people on a will?

Benefits paid from an insurance policy are separate from property that is left in a will. With an insurance policy, it is paid to the named beneficiary. That is not controlled by the wording of a will.

Can a beneficary sign the policy over to someone else insurance policy?

No, only the OWNER of the insurance policy can sign the policy over. Sometimes the owner is the insured, but not always.

Can you put a lien on a life insurance policy for your father if his beneficiary refuses to use the policy to cover his funeral expenses?

You have to file a creditor's claim against the estate of the father.

If someone was convicted of a DUI but the insurance policy is under someone else's name will the insurance ever find out?

Yes, it does not matter if you have your own policy or are listed on someone else's policy, you will be surcharged for the DUI probably for the next 5 years.

Will life insurance benefits be paid if insurer refuses treatment for incurrable condition?

if life insurance policy passed the contestability period, benefits will be paid at insured's death.