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Q: What happens when water gets warmed by the equator?
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What happens to water when it is warmed?

when water gets heated it starts to get excited and it stats to boil and there are atoms inside which viabrate and makes the water boil.

What happens to the Peru current as it reaches the equator?

It goes from a cool current to a warm current as it gets closer to the equator.

What happens to the airs density when it gets warmed?

It is decreased and air starts moving up into the atmosphere from the ground.

Is the equator the warmest part of the ocean?

Ocean water generally gets warmer toward the equator and cooler toward the poles. However, the warmest water is not usually observed directly on the equator itself.

How does the temperature change as current move towards the equator?

What happens when latitude increases north or south of the equator?

The lines of latitude will get shorter.The climate gets colder.

What happens when the volume of a fluid is heated at the bottom?

if its there long enough and gets hot enough and you drop it in water, it goes kaboom and shoots out its contents-trust me

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im asking the question, what happen when water gets in brain

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It gets warmer.

What happens to ocean water as it becomes denser?

The water gets cooler

Why are the upper layers of water in a deep well are cool but those in a pond are warm?

Water is warmed by sunlight. The pond gets more sunlight and is shallower, so that there is less water to heat.

Should you drill a hole in your car muffler so the water will drain from it?

No, Do not drill a hole in your muffler! The water evaporate when the car gets warmed up. If you drill a hole in your muffler, The next time it gets inspected it will fail.