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When a wave goes from deep water to shallow water, it decreases in size and strength. This is because shallow water does not have the required power to transmit the wave, and so its velocity decreases.

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Q: What happens when waves go from deep water to shallow water?
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How does the ocean waves change when it reaches shallow water?

The ocean wave will get smaller when it reaches shallow water. Waves will always be higher and faster when traveling through deep waters.

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The fact that your feet can touch the ground

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They typically form on steep beaches and tend to be more erosive.

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It can be shallow or deep.

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When deep water waves reach water shallower than one half their wave length the deep-water waves become shallow-water waves.

Is deep water more or less dense than shallow water?

Shallow water is more dense than Deep water. This means that a wave travelling from deep water to shallow water would bend towards the normal. Also, the wave would travel slower in the shallow than in the deep water

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there is more animal life in deep and shallow water.

How is a deep water wave diffrentfrom a shallow water wave?

To classify a wave as either a deep or shallow water wave, you would have to be knowledgeable in the science behind wave classification. Waves can be classified according to direction of vibrations and depth.

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