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Q: What happens when you boil chlorinated water?
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What happens to water when it is warmed?

when water gets heated it starts to get excited and it stats to boil and there are atoms inside which viabrate and makes the water boil.

What happens to the particles when water begins to boil?

they move faster.

What happens to a coin when you boil it?

In water, it just gets clean.

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What happens when you boil water too long?

yes if you put your hand in it

What is the effect of chlorinated water on planet growth?

# Water in plants # chlorine # chlorinated water # water absorpion in soil # pond water # polution

What happens to the molecules when you boil water do they boils off or stay behind?

Whe you boil water, molecules of water "escape" into the atmosphere. The molecular structure of water is unaffected by boiling.

Why is water sometimes chlorinated?

Water is chlorinated to keep bacteria and other pathogen down to a point where the water wont cause illness.

What happens when you boil honey?

when you boil honey you are going to get a crunchy solution if you want it to be watery you have to add water ( COLD ) and boil ! Good Luck xoxoxo

What happens when chlorine gas is added to water?

You end up with chlorinated water This is what ha pens with saltwater chlorinaters in saltwater pools. No, You end up with Chlorinated Water if you add Chlorine to water, but Chlorine Gas and Water react to make HOCl and HCl, both toxic. Cl2 + H2O à HCl + HOCl

What happens if you drink water that is under a boil advisory and you did not boil it?

You stand the chance of contacting any of many intestinal disorders.

What happens to objects at 120 degrees celsius?

Depends on the object. If it has any water, the water will boil.