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It is often referred to as the Holocaust.

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Q: What has the slaughter of the Jews by hitler become known as?
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How did Adolf Hitler become what he is known for today?

Adolf Hitler was responsible for the death of thousands of Jews. Because he thought they were a race but they wasn't

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How did Hitler become interested in killing Jews?

A few methods were shown to Hitler as to how the Jews could be killed, when he saw that it was possible, he became interested in killing all of them.

What are genocides known for?

for killing the Jews and know for by nazi adolf Hitler

How did Jews feels about Hitler becoming chancellor of German?

At first, people including the Jews had mix feelings about Hitler's rise to power. Only some Jews have heard rumors about Hitler and what are his plans such as, His plans in getting rid of the Jews. However in 1933, the Jews known Hitler didn't like them and some did accept that but they wouldn't expect what Hitler will do withing the next 4450 days as having power over Germany.

What did hitler think of the jews as?

Hitler thought of Jews as vermin.

When did Hitler eliminate Jews?

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Why Jews help Hitler in elections?

No Jews 'helped Hitler in elections'.

Why did Hitler torture those who helped the Jews?

Hitler hated the Jews.

What was Hitler using the jews as?

Hitler used the Jews as a SCAPEGOAT for Germany's problems.

How did Hitler start treating Jews in 1935?

Hitler treated jews badly