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The jack jumper ant of Australia. One sting can kill. Its the most venomous sting in the insect world. The stingray also has a venomous sting, but it must hit a vital organ to kill, as with the case of Steve Irvin, of the crocidile hunter fame. The man of war has the most venomous sting of the jellyfish species.

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16y ago
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12y ago

The worlds most venomous animal is the Box Jelly Fish. The venom of this animal is extremely painful and the toxins that attack the heart, nervous system, and skin cells cause the victims to go into a state of shock. Many of them eventually drown or die of heart failure even before reaching the shore. 5,567 deaths have been recorded since 1954. Found in the waters around Asia and Australia.

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14y ago

hat is really three questions in one. It could mean which insect has the most venomous sting, which insect has the most dangerous venom but does not sting, or which insect causes the highest mortality rate. Firstly the most venomous sting insect. In the USA alone 23 people a year die from bee and wasp stings. Usually an insect's sting is quite harmless for humans and only a slight skin reaction occurs, but a few people suffer very severe reactions. When stung, a few people can go into anaphylactic shock and experience difficulty breathing, difficulty in swallowing, a sharp fall in blood pressure, collapse, unconsciousness and even death. The most dangerous insect in this category is the honey bee, and accounts for as many human deaths as all the species of snake cause put together. However, nearly all of the deaths caused by these insects are due to allergic reactions and not to the venom itself. The insect that has the most potent venom belongs to the ants in the Pogonomyrmex genus. This tiny little insect can kill a 2kg mammal (such as a rat or a rabbit) with only twelve stings. These ants could kill a human with between 350 to 450 stings, without an allergic reaction taking place. To put this in perspective, to get the same reaction from a honey bee, it would take well over 10,000 stings. Now for the most venomous insect that does can not sting. These are only dangerous in they are ingested or touched. There are a few caterpillars in this category and two groups of beetle, but the most venomous is the Blister Beetle. There are around 2000 species of blister beetle worldwide, and when they occur in large numbers they can cause a large problem for livestock. The Blister Beetle produces a toxin called Cantharidin, a chemical that cause blistering on the skin and if eaten also inside the intestine tissue. These beetles live in grass and hay, the natural food source for many animals and when they are eaten by these grazers, it can cause them serious harm. A cow or horse need only eat 10 or so beetles accidentally to become seriously ill, and this is likely to kill the animal. However, the Blister Beetle might be the most toxic, but it is not the insect that causes the most deaths. This title belongs to the Mosquito, but how does it kill with out venom or poison? The Mosquito carries many potentially dangerous diseases and as the move from one person, or animal, to another, they infect the new host with these diseases. The Mosquito with the most infamous reputation is that of the Anopheles genus. In Africa alone this tiny insect kills one child under the age of five every thirty seconds. That totals around 3000 every day and nearly one and half million in a single year. The mosquito is also known for transmitting malaria and this claims the lives of around one to three million people every year. Even if a person survives the first stages of malaria, it is a disease that they will have to battle for the rest of their lives, and will most probably result in death years after the first infection. It is commonly agreed that malaria is one of the top killers in the world, and the main cause of infection results from the tiny mosquito. So the insect with the most venomous sting is the Honey Bee, the insect with the most toxic venom is the Blister Beetle, although this is only dangerous if eaten, but the insect that causes the most deaths is the common Mosquito.

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12y ago

Bullet ant. It has the most powerful sting of any creature.

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12y ago

bulldog ants

red ants

black ants

and there are many more...

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11y ago

Not all ants have stingers. Some only bite and spray formic acid on the bite.

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16y ago

It is in africa

the lion ant

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13y ago

Bullet Ants

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15y ago


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