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Ginger root, Tansy leaves, pennyroyal leaves, angelica root,

Don't exceed the recommended doses; many of these emmenagogues can cause strong side effects. The double dotted herbs (. .) are oxytocic; use only with focused attention and acute sensitivity to the body's reactions. The herbs in boldface will bring on a late period about 60% of the time if the expected flow is no more than two weeks overdue.

° Angelica root: infusion, tincture (10 drops three times daily for four days)

° Fresh Lemon Balm leaves: tincture, bath

° Bethroot: infusion, tincture (a dropperful every four hours for five days)

° ° Birthwort root or whole plant in flower: infusion

° Black Cohosh root: infusion, tincture (20 drops every six hours for four days)

° ° Blue Cohosh root: infusion, tincture (20 drops every four hours for five days)

° ° Cotton root bark: infusion

° European Vervain plant: tincture (15 drops every six hours for five days)

° ° Ergot fungus: commercial extracts

° Feverfew plants in flower: tincture (40 drops every three hours for four days)

° Ginger root: infusion, tincture

° Hyssop leaves: infusion, tincture

° Liferoot plant in flower: tincture (20 drops twice daily for five days)

° Lovage root: infusion

° ° Marijuana female flowers: infusion, tincture, smoke

° ° Mistletoe leaves: infusion

° Mugwort plant: decoction

° Osha root: infusion, tincture (10 drops every four hours for five days)

° Fresh Parsley leaves: juice, vaginal insert (several sprigs, changed twice daily for three days)

° Pennyroyal plant: infusion, tincture, oil (Avoid completely before and throughout pregnancy. Oil rubbed on skin may cause miscarriage.)

° ° Peruvian bark: infusion, tincture (15 drops twice daily for four days)

° Rosemary plant in flower: infusion, tincture (20 drops twice daily for five days)

° Rue leaves: infusion, tincture (10 drops every six hours for four days)

° Saffron stigmas: one half gram daily for four days (ten grams is a fatal dose)

° Sumac berries: infusion (source of vitamin C and possibly rutin)

° Sweet Flag root: infusion, bath, tincture (10 drops every ix hours for six days)

° Tansy plant in flower: infusion, tincture

° Fresh Wood Sorrel plant: infusion, tincture (10 drops every six hours for four days)

Herbs which promote strong uterine contractions can cause an early miscarriage or ab*rtion. Some uterine contractors are poisons, like Water Hemlock. Some herbs, such as certain seaweeds and pieces of Slippery Elm bark, are inserted into the OS of the cervix to cause uterine contraction (and possible life threatening infection) by their irritating effect. Other herbs contain oxytocin, which encourages production of prostaglandins in the body; high levels of prostaglandins cause contraction of the uterus. A few herbs directly stimulate uterine contractions.If your period is no more than two weeks late, you can probably abort by using a uterine contractor alone or in combination with a strong emmenagogue. Some women report success even when four weeks late. Ab*rtion is a controversial subject, and herbal ab*rtions are not an easy solution to the issues involved. Any ab*rtion is physically, emotionally, and psychically stressful. If you decide that you are not going to nourish a life growing within, please seek a woman wise in the ways of bodies and feelings to help you.

Cotton root bark Gossypium is reported to be the safest and most certain herbal abortifacient. I have tried to obtain some organic Cotton root bark for six years now, without success. My information on its effectiveness comes from a study done by a women's health collective in New Mexico. They used an infusion taken by sips throughout the day until the abortion was well under way. This is apparently a traditional method of Birth Control among Native Americans who grow cotton. Specific information on dosage and possible side effects should be available to women who live in the South and seek out a traditional healer or curandera.

Blue Cohosh root Caulophyllum thalictroides is usually combined with Pennyroyal when used as an abortifacient. There are any number of ways to prepare and ingest this combination. Both Pennyroyal and Blue Cohosh are toxic in excess and can easily overtax the liver and kidneys. Headache and extreme nausea have been reported by many women using these herbs. This is a common remark: "I knew that if I could just drink one more cup of that infusion, I would abort, but I threw up every time I tried!" CAUTION: Do not use Blue Cohosh if you have low blood pressure.

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11y ago

Papaya can cause miscarriage if ripe and eaten in very large quantities, no one knows how much, but attempting abortion without doctors supervision is known as a illegal abortion in the US. Penalty is prison up to 2 years. The chance to actually be able to fully abort and not have any remains left is slim which is why we today have medicine and surgical procedure to keep women safe. It's good to have access to a doctor on the other line to ask how much is normal to bleed etc. So of you are in a country where it is legal do see a doctor. In the US you find all abortion providers at and if you need help paying for it you can get that at If you are in a country where there are no safe abortion provider you can turn to womenonweb as long as you are no more than 9 weeks pregnant. They can send you the medicine.

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7y ago

You should use none. The safest way to get an abortion is to visit a licensed abortion provider. Despite popular conception, chemical abortion isn't for everyone, and complications are very likely. If you want to sneak around and cause a miscarriage because you don't want someone to find out, well, it will be even worse when that someone finds you in the hospital or even drives you there. Using herbs or chemicals could cause contractions hard enough to cause serious internal damage. Plus you might not even get all of the aborted matter out, and that can lead to sepsis and possibly death. That was partly why the "coat hanger abortions" led to so many deaths. They would either rupture the uterus or leave part of the matter in there. They think they are fine, but they end up with a life-threatening infection.

None of this is meant to sound judgmental. It is just that there is a correct way to do this, and this means talking to a healthcare provider who can help you. Go to Planned Parenthood if there is one around you. If you live where this is no option, then you may need to travel to where you can get an abortion or something like RU486.

Theoretically speaking, the following plants and natural substances are said to act as abortifacients, though research is limited or inconclusive:

Bitter melon, blue cohosh, brewer's yeast, castor oil, common rue, ergot, mugwort, nutmeg, papaya, pennyroyal, pomegranate, saffron, slippery elm, tansy, vervain, vitamin C, and wild carrot. Unprocessed aloe vera may be an abortifacient if taken in amounts high enough to cause diarrhea and uterine contractions.

Do keep in mind that some of the substances on the above list are quite dangerous. Ergot is a toxin that comes from fungus, and in addition to being dangerous to take during pregnancy, it can also cause hallucinations, violence, convulsions, and death. Water hemlock is a deadly poison, and it looks nearly identical to wild carrots.

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