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Q: What historians agree to America being called the melting pot?
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What year do historians agree was the beginning of the cold war?

The atomic bomb was detonated (created) in 1945. That is what caused the cold war. Historians can disagree or Historians can agree; it has no bearing on the detonation date.

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You make the mistake of assuming historians agree on everything. They don't, plain and simple. Historians agree on the obvious facts but disagree on the explanations of the grey areas.

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Historians and political scientists agree that no one knows exactly when, where and how the first government began.

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All historians agree that it would be his code of law.

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No they don't because some historians believe that the universe was created by the big bang and others by god. Or the dinosaurs some historians think they were killed by a meteor. They don't agree about everything because there isn't enough evidence to prove something. And it is OK.

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All historians agree that it would be his code of law.

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Most historians agree that it was written in independence hall in Philadelphia.Where_was_the_Declaration_of_Independence_written

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Historians generally agree on the year 1961.

How did chocolate get its name?

The origin of the word "chocolate" is very uncertain. About the only thing linguistic historians agree on is that it originated in Central America, possibly from one or more Aztec, Nahuatl, or Mayan words describing its use as a beverage.