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Q: What hormone aids in water resorption?
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Bone resorption is promoted by which hormone?

Bone resorption is promoted by the parathyroid hormone, also called PTH. Bone resorption is the process by which osteoclasts break down bone and release the minerals, resulting in a transfer of calcium from bone fluid to the blood.

Which hormone aids in regulating the levels of salt and water in the body?

Aldosterone is a mineralocoricoid hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex.

Which hormone is involved in maintaining water absorption?

There are a couple of names for the hormone. Both vasopressin and antidiuretic hormone are the same thing. Increased blood levels of ADH (antidiuretic hormone) will cause more water resorption in the kidneys, and relative hemodilution. Please be aware that this answer pertains to water that has already been absorbed in the bloodstream. There is no hormone, per se, that maintains water absorption from the digestive system into the bloodstream. This absorption is driven exclusively by concentration gradient and osmotic pressure. There are no hormones involved.

What hormone also aids the stress response by promoting water retention and acting as a vasoconstrictor?

ADH (Vasopressin)

Which hormone aids in sodium conservation and potassium excretion?

antidiuretic hormone

Is the overproduction of the parathyroid hormone?

Hyperparathyroidism or over production of parathyroid hormone causes pain in bones and pathological fractures of bones. Due to this problem, you have increased bone resorption and so that is the result of the same.

Does parathyroid hormone decrease calcium absorption from the gut?

In general, it increases calcium in the blood by increasing bone resorption. The exception is when pth is given in spiked pulses, which is the case in some medications (forteo, a pth analogue) which can paradoxically decrease bone resorption.

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What hormone aids in fight or flight response?

The hormone that aids in the fight or flight response is adrenalin. Adrenalin is secreted by the adrenal medulla and makes the heart beat faster.

What functions chiefly for water resorption in the kidney?

I think it is the loop of henle, not sure.

Which hormones aids in milk production after childbirth?

Prolactin hormone .

What Ergogenic aids increase the risk of acromegaly?

Growth Hormone