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Q: What hppn if we took male n female vry yong n left them alone on isolated island Would they be able to figure out family sex pregnancy n baby delivery Would they recognize and worship God etc?
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How did christians worship in rome?

In private homes or isolated places.

Who are those who worship Allah and recognize Muhammad as the last Prophet?

They are called Muslims

What do aborigines worship?

Australian aborigines do not actually worship anything or anyone. They live a peaceful coexistence with their environment. They do recognize that there are some spirits that they believe in and respect.

What religion blended Hindu and Muslim beliefs?

Sikhism. It believes in one God and does not recognize idol worship.

Did the Edict of Milan recognize the right of christians to worship?

The Edict of Toleration had already recognised the right of people of all religions, including Christians, to worship as they pleased. The Edict of Milan granted Christians further privileges.

What did Communist leaders do to places of worship when communism came to power?

Closed the churches down. Communist theology does not recognize God over the state.

Who did Jethro worship?

Jethro had been a Midianite idolater. He came to recognize God at the time of the Exodus and joined the Israelites (Exodus ch.18).

Do people worship pazuzu?

Pazuzu's worship has died off, for the most part, although isolated groups of worshippers can still be found in the Middle East, particularly among the violently anti-Israeli Sons of al-Azrad, reputedly sponsored by the Karotechia. Worship remains strong among ghouls, particularly those of European and Asian areas surrounding the Middle East. Some more enlightened New World ghouls worship Pazuzu, although most do not.

What was Mohamed's message to the Muslims?

Phophet Mohammad's message is to all mankind. Anyone can be a Muslim once he/she recognize that god/allah is one, and worship him alone, and that Prophet Mohammad is his messenger.

Does state laws exempt houses of worship from taxation?

Tax laws vary from state to state, but most states recognize some form of tax exemption for houses of worship. The scope of any tax exemption will depend on the type of tax (eg property, sales, income) and, generally, whether or not the activity or property at issue is related to or used to support the exempt religious or charitable activities of the house of worship.

What religion does North Korea worship?

Some Christians in North Korea were imprisoned and murdered. So the Kim Jong family should learn to recognize everyone's humanity. Jouche is what the government wants people follow in North Korea.

What gods did they worship and how did they worship them?
