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Q: What human activity is likely causing melting of glaciers?
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What latitutes are most likely to see glaciers?

Latitudes that are most likely to see glaciers are maritime areas north of 35˚N and south of 35˚S

Will ice melting at the north or south poles cause sea levels to rise?

This higher temperature may be causing some floating icebergs to melt, but this will not make the oceans rise. Icebergs are large floating chunks of ice. In order to float, the iceberg displaces a volume of water that has a weight equal to that of the iceberg. But the rising temperature and icebergs could play a small role in the rising ocean level. Icebergs are chunks of frozen glaciers that break off from landmasses and fall into the ocean. The rising temperature may be causing more icebergs to form by weakening the glaciers, causing more cracks and making ice mo re likely to break off. As soon as the ice falls into the ocean, the ocean rises a little.

Water near the poles would most likely be stored as?


What are glaciers used for?

Glaciers hold a large amount of water. If they melted (with global warming that's likely in part) the released water would raise the sea level, swamping some low-lying countries such as Bangladesh, and threatening many coastal cities such as New York, London (England) and New Orleans.

What are some effects of global warming on glaciers?

There are two points of view to look at for this question. The first, is the more democratic view, based off of Global Warming; which may or may not exist. If the glaciers would all melt, the ocean levels would rise to extreme levels. The extra water would most likely flood New York, Florida, and other various cities near the coasts around the world. Then there is the more conservative view, that does not agree. Al Gore has said that a certain percentage of glaciers are melting, which is killing polar bears and other various animals. However, note that the other and larger percentage of glaciers are NOT melting.

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How do internal and external forces cause changes to Earths surface?

Most common change to the Earths surface from internal forces would most likely be earthquakes and volcano eruptions. External forces could be considered meteor strikes, or possibly the effects of gravity on the oceans ( Tides ) Global warming is also melting glaciers and causing a growth in arid regions. kapm

What latitutes are most likely to see glaciers?

Latitudes that are most likely to see glaciers are maritime areas north of 35˚N and south of 35˚S

What is most likely to occur during global warming?

Global warming, the rising temperature of the oceans, land surface and atmosphere, is causing the climate to change. The extra warmth in the atmosphere is energy, and this gives extra power to every storm. Ice is melting all over the world, and when that ice is on land, like glaciers and the Antarctic ice cap, then the water runs into the oceans raising sea levels.

Water near the poles would most likely be stored as?


Will ice melting at the north or south poles cause sea levels to rise?

This higher temperature may be causing some floating icebergs to melt, but this will not make the oceans rise. Icebergs are large floating chunks of ice. In order to float, the iceberg displaces a volume of water that has a weight equal to that of the iceberg. But the rising temperature and icebergs could play a small role in the rising ocean level. Icebergs are chunks of frozen glaciers that break off from landmasses and fall into the ocean. The rising temperature may be causing more icebergs to form by weakening the glaciers, causing more cracks and making ice mo re likely to break off. As soon as the ice falls into the ocean, the ocean rises a little.

When a material is melting the temperature?

When a material is melting, the temperature is likely to be increasing. That or the temperature is just above the material's melting/freezing point.

What are glaciers used for?

Glaciers hold a large amount of water. If they melted (with global warming that's likely in part) the released water would raise the sea level, swamping some low-lying countries such as Bangladesh, and threatening many coastal cities such as New York, London (England) and New Orleans.

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What are some effects of global warming on glaciers?

There are two points of view to look at for this question. The first, is the more democratic view, based off of Global Warming; which may or may not exist. If the glaciers would all melt, the ocean levels would rise to extreme levels. The extra water would most likely flood New York, Florida, and other various cities near the coasts around the world. Then there is the more conservative view, that does not agree. Al Gore has said that a certain percentage of glaciers are melting, which is killing polar bears and other various animals. However, note that the other and larger percentage of glaciers are NOT melting.

What cause the discolouration in apples?

Brown streaks may very likely be caused by the larvae of the Apple Maggot.

Can people live on Glaciers?

they would fall off because it was slippery and would most likely float away since glaciers float

What type of landform was most likely created by the movement of glaciers?

do not know guys sorry