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Q: What if custodial parent refuses visitations to the other parent?
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Is it custody kidnapping if parent refuses to return child or let other parent come for child?

If the non-custodial parent refuses to return the child it may be considered kidnapping. The custodial parent should call the police and have a certified copy of the custody order for the officer to review.If the non-custodial parent refuses to return the child it may be considered kidnapping. The custodial parent should call the police and have a certified copy of the custody order for the officer to review.If the non-custodial parent refuses to return the child it may be considered kidnapping. The custodial parent should call the police and have a certified copy of the custody order for the officer to review.If the non-custodial parent refuses to return the child it may be considered kidnapping. The custodial parent should call the police and have a certified copy of the custody order for the officer to review.

Can the courts force a child to vist a non custodial parent?

No one can "force" you to visit your child, although refusing visitation would likely have negative consequences like the loss of visitation rights in the future and the loss of parental rights as far as decision-making (also the loss of the love of your child!!!). Refusing visitation will not reduce or eliminate your child support obligations; in fact, the custodial parent would have a much stronger case if they requested an increase in support and could show the judge that you are not contributing in other ways to the child's well-being.

Can the custodial parent stop the back pay you owe in child support?

It depends on the state you live in. Some states allow the custodial parent to opt out of child support. Other states don't give you that option, and will collect the child support even if the custodial parent refuses to accept it.

Non custodial parent rights for children leaving country with custodial parent?

can't with the permission of the other parent or the court.

Is the parent who has filed for custody supposed to allow for visitation to the other parent?

The court will address visitation and child support when it considers the petition for custody. If there are no orders in place and the parents are married they both have parental rights including a right of visitation. If unmarried, the "other parent" need to have parental rights established which they will be during the aforementioned proceeding. Visitations should be allowed prior to the proceeding unless there is an issue of child endangerment that will be reviewed by the court. The court will not look favorably upon a parent who simply refuses to allow the other parent visitations with the child.

If one parent has primary custody and the other parent has visitation which one is the custodial parent?

The custodial parent is the parent in which the child resides with. My son lives with me and I am the custodial parent, his dad has visitation rights and pays child support.

Does custodial parent have to inform non-custodial parent of extra-curricular activities?

yes, as the custodial usually schedules them to interfere with the other parents's access rights.

Is it fair for the custodial parent to ask the non custodial parent for half of the rent along with other needs for the child?

Not if your the parent taking care of the child.

What if the custodial parent does not allow the child to see the non-custodial parent even though the court said she can - does the non-custodial parents still have to pay support?

Child support and visitation rights are two entirely different issues. The terms of visitation should have been determined before divorce proceedings and finalized when the divorce decree was awarded. The court generally prefers the parents reach an amicable agreement for reasonable visitation by the non-custodial parent. If specified days/times have been ordered by the court the custodial parent must allow visitation or risk being in contempt of a court order.

Can a 13 yr old refuse visitation with non custodial parent in Oklahoma?

Court ordered visitations are not optional. If the order isn't followed the custodial parent could be found in contempt of a court order and sanctioned by the court.Court orders must be followed until they can be modified by returning to court and placing the issue before the judge. A custodial parent who doesn't honor the standing visitation order is in contempt of a court order and the court can order a modification of the custody order if the contempt continues. A child cannot refuse to visit the other parent until they reach eighteen years of age in virtually every state in the United States.When a child refuses to visit the other parent the primary custodial parent must first take steps to determine the cause of the refusal. A professional may be of help at this time. The child may have legitimate reasons and once identified both parents must work together to address the problem. The non-custodial parent may need some advice on how to spend quality time with the child so the child feels both welcome and comfortable in the non-custodial parent's new environment.This is a common mistake made by non-custodial parents. The child misses them and looks forward to spending time with them but that time comes and there is a stranger present. The child's comfort level plunges. Being forced to spend visitations with people other than the parent is not a good idea until the child has had a chance to adjust to the new family dynamics between the child and the parents. The dynamics of coping with the non-custodial's new partner should come much later.Uncomfortable sleeping arrangements can make a child reluctant to go for visits. If there are other children in the picture (belonging to the non-custodial parent's new partner) they should be allowed to develop a relationship gradually. A common problem arises for the child whose non-custodial parent makes no special notice of the child during visits and expects the child to spend their time with those other children as part of a new "family unit". In those situations the child has lost a special parent-child connection with the non-custodial parent. The opportunity of spending some private quality time with their parent should always be an option.If the child's concerns are serious and the non-custodial parent will not cooperate, the custodial parent may need to return to court for a modification of the visitation order. On the other hand, when the situation is evaluated by the court it may find that parent alienation is at the root of the difficulties and if serious, the custodial parent may well lose physical custody to the other parent if that continues. Alienating a child against the other parent causes irreparable and long lasting harm to both the child and the parent.

When the custodial parent passes away and the non custodial parent becomes the custodial parent does the minor child have a say where he wants to live?

The most likely scenario is that the children will live with the other parent as long as that parent was not deemed unfit while the custodial parent was alive. If that parent was denied custody for cause the courts may consider another gaurdian should the non custodial parent still be considered unsuitable.

Is it contempt of court if one parent refuses to take child to sports in ohio?

It depends on the background to this case, whether there is a Court order in force. Otherwise, no parents are obliged to take a child to sports.Another PerspectiveIf not mentioned in the visitation order the refusal would not rise to contempt of a court order. On the other hand, if the child is involved in a sports team and the non-custodial parent refuses to make it possible for the child to maintain their responsibility to their team, that could have repercussions regarding the visitation schedule if the custodial parent takes the situation to court. If the child wants to participate in sports and the non-custodial parent refuses to cooperate the court may curtail the visitation schedule so that the child can be a fully involved team member. The parents should try to work that issue out in a way that best benefits the child. The parent who refuses to help may find their parenting skills in question.