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Seasons will not change


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Q: What if the earth rotated on it's axis and the axis was tilted but the earth did not move around the sun?
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How many degrees is the earth tilted on it axis?

The earth is always tilted on its axis. It is about 23.5o

What the tilted axis on the Earth?

The Earth's axis is tilted by about 23.5 degrees.

What is an important factor in explaining why seasons occur on Earth Earth rotates on its axis The Sun rotates on its axis Earth's axis is tilted The Sun's axis is tilted?

The seasons are caused by the fact that the Earth's axis is tilted. As the Earth travels around the sun, the hemisphere that is tilted toward the sun changes. Whenever your hemisphere is pointed toward the sun, it is summer in your hemisphere.

WHICH SIDE the axis of the earth is tilted?

The Earth spins about its axis. That defines the Earth's axis. It is the axis of spin that is tilted. If the Earth were not spinning it would not have an axis.

Is a axis flat or tilted?

axis on what? the earth? if yes its tilted

What if the earth's axis was tilted on its side?

In a way, the Earth's axis IS tilted on its side, that's why we have seasons.

What if the earth was not tilted on its axis?

if the earth wasn't on tilted on it's axis there wouldn't be any seasons

What is the earth slightly tilted on?

it is tilted on its axis

Earth has season because its axis is tilted as it movies around the what?

The Sun.

How is earth tilted?

because of its axis and it rotates all around and every way around.

Why is one part of earth sometimes tilted toward the sun and sometimes tilted a way from the sun?

This is because (a) Earth revolves around the Sun, (b) Earth's axis is tilted, and (c) roughly speaking, and as a first approximation, Earth's axis maintains its direction in space.

What is tilted relative to the earth's path around the sun, according to the article?

The earth's axis of rotation is tilted relative to the earth's path around the sun. As a result we are tilted towards the sun in the summer and away from the sun in the winter.