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You should have picked it up the first time! Now it's lost forever! If you see a guy drop a key what are you going to do? PICK IT UP!!!!!

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Q: What if you already did the part where he gives it to you but you didn't notice so you didn't pick the storage key up in Pokemon Diamond and now you need it so where is it located?
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To transfer your Pokemon from diamond to white you first have to beat the game in Pokemon white. After that you have to go to the Pokemon transfer lab, go up the steps and speak to the scientist. Then you need another DS that has your Diamond Pokemon in it, go to DS download play on the main screen and you can choose six Pokemon to transfer from your storage. 1) You must have already beat the Pokemon White Game 2) You need 2 DS's 3)The Pokemon that you want to send to Pokemon White must be in your storage in the Pokemon center in Diamond.

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im not entirly sure but keep looking on other websites

Where do you use the storage key on Pokemon diamond?

you use it in the galactic building in veilstone city, but only on certain doors

Once you move Pokemon from Pokemon Emerald to Pokemon Diamond how do you get them?

I think you just go and look into your Pokemon storage boxes on the PC and they'll be there :) that's not true you have to go to pal park and catch them

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To get into the Team Galactic HQ in Pokemon Diamond you will need the storage key the Galactic Grunt leaves behind, and the Dusk Stone. If you can't get the key, it may mean you have not completed a mission.

How do you get more Pokemon storage boxes on diamond?

There is NO WAY up to date. But soon Nintendo will try to make something like it with transferring. (Example: Pokemon Ruby and Shappire Box (Gamecube) )

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In Veilstone City the Galactic Storage has a has two poke balls. In the first room one is the HM fly.

How do you catch mew without a master ball Pokemon pearl?

If you get my pokemon ranch on the wii then transfer 999 pokemon onto it, hayley will give you a mew as the pokemon she brings to the ranch on that day. The pokemon ranch can also be used for an extra storage system for pokemon but only works with diamond and pearl.

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put in a storage area

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Drug storage requirements can be located

Where on sapphire is the storage centeer?

they don't have storage centers on Pokemon sapphire

What does bebe' mean?

Bebe is just the Bill of Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum. After you get the national pokedex though, she will give you an eevee. this is your chance to get a Glacion or Leafeon.