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Well, I have 3 and 1 of them used to bury itself too. So the first thing you should is try to keep a close eye on him and see when he buries himself, like after he's eaten his lunch (if that's the case then he is just doing to relax and enjoy the after food time, like mine) if not you should take him to the vet, and they'll tell you what to do. Don't worry, it will be fine!!!

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Q: What if your baby red eared slider buries itself all the time?
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How long can the mom red-eared slider take care of the baby red-eared slider?

usally the mama red-eared slider just lays her eggs and leaves them all alone but if a red eared slider is kept in captivity the mama takes care of the baby until the baby shows its mama that it can stand on its own two feet which is usally 2-3 months after it is hatched.

How do you look after a baby red eared slider turtle?

you watch it

How can you tell if your red eared slider is a baby?

Depends on how big it is!red eared sliders can get very big.

Can you play with a baby red eared slider?

YES! My babe loves to play/be held. :)

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Yes, I put my baby slider in a sand filled terrarium over night and feed him in water and he is doing ok

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Its really a gamble to put any fish with a red eared slider , it depends how big the sucker fish is if it is small the turtle with probably eat it , you are supposed to let them grow up together i have a sucker fish with my red eared slider but they are baby's so they have not bothered it.

Will a baby red eared slider turtle swim to get air when it needs to?

yes, they can hold there breath for a long time

What will happen if you put a baby false map turtle in a tank with an adult red eared slider?

what will happen is that the baby false map turtle will get along with the red ear slider .B ut it will just take a will.

Does petland discount sell turtles?

Yes they do but most commonly red eared sliders 4" and above. I you want a baby red eared slider < rescue one from china town ;)

What food does a baby red eared slider eat other than bought turtle food?

Young baby turtles can eat many different ,but something easy is wiggle tails or baby mosquitos

What do baby red-eared slider eat?

You can purchase a good quality turtle food and/or leafy greens. You can allow the greens to float in the water. The turtles will bite off of it.