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You need to go to the doctor. That's really serious.

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Q: What if your cycle comes on and it's orange-ish looking blood at first then turns brown?
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Why is waste brown?

Its brown coloration comes from a combination of bile and bilirubin which comes from dead red blood cells.

What is the brown stuff that comes out when you your period?

Dead blood cells!

Who comes looking for lemon brown?

Lemon Brown is visited by a teenage boy named Greg Ridley who is seeking shelter from the rain.

What does having pink blood mean?

its normal love it just means that it comes with how old the blood age is e.g. brown blood= old blood pink blood= new blood

Is it bad if brown liquid comes from your vagaina?

No. It's just your vagina cleaning up. Old blood simply looks brown.

Why is your terd brown?

Feces is brown mostly because of the bile that has remained in there since the gallbladder secreted it into the digested food. Bile itself is broken red blood cells. When feces form, their reddish brown color comes from these broken blood cells.

What does it mean when your on your period and brown discharge comes out instead of blood?

It's still just menstrual fluid. This happens a day or so before you really start bleeding, and it tends to be brown at the end of your period. Older blood turns brown. Your period is more than blood. It's totally normal.

Which structure in the digestive system comes to direct contact with the circulatory system for transfer of nutrients into the blood?

The small intestine is the answer your looking for.

What comes first alphabetically brown or browne?

the word brown comes first alphabetically

How do you know when you have gotten your period?

ok so your underwear should have blood on it. it will begin as brown but gradually become red. it comes once a month.

What does it mean if your period is a week late and you're having a brown discharge?

This is old blood and most likely is caused by left over blood from your period which has been released. Or it can be caused by infection. Pregnancy has been ruled out because you got a normal period.

What is brown stuff before your period?

The brown stuff is known as 'spotting' it is just blood mixing with discharge, it turns brown when it comes in contact with air. This is just the start of your period, you can also get it at other times such as at the end of your period or around ovulation.