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You might not be feeding him enough. He might need to be stimulated to excrete waste. He might just be calling for his mother. Are you spending time cuddling him? Is he warm enough? Should be at least 76 degrees. Or he could be sick.

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Q: What if your kitten is only 3 weeks old and wont stop meowing you are nursing him your self as he is an orphan?
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What if the kitten doesn't have its mom and the kitten is 4 weeks old?

If the kitten is four weeks old, you still need to feed it formula kitten milk, which you can get at your local vets. The weaning process should begin at about five weeks, but it still needs the nursing experience to satisfy its suckling needs until it is about eight or ten weeks old. However, the best solution is to find another cat who has just had kittens, or still has kittens, but has strength and milk enough to feed an extra. Move the kitten to it's new "nursing mother" until 12 weeks. Cat's should not be without a nursing mother, or a professional before 12 weeks for many reasons. A mother cat will make the weaning process easier, and will teach the kitten how to groom itself, toilet training, and vital social skills.

Can you give your kitten purina cat food?

It depends on the age. If your cat is under 4 weeks, NO. A big fat NO. You can give a kitten purina kitten chow once it is weaned. If the kitten is 4 weeks or under, it will need KMR. (Kitten milk replacer) It should be fed with a bottle intended for nursing kittens, NOT a baby bottle with a baby nipple.

How long do the kitten stay with their parents?

A kitten should stay with its mother for a minimum of eight weeks and preferably 12 weeks.

Can a non pregnant don lactate for orphan puppy?

If I had not seen it myself I would not believe it but the mother dog died and one of her grown pups who has never been pregnant is suckling the orphan pup. the mother dog has been dead for three weeks and we found the pup today and her sibling is nursing her.

When will your kitten be weaned from her mother?

A kitten is usually weaned at baout 8 weeks.

Kitten leaving mother after 5 weeks?

Nope, 6 weeks!!

Is 12 months old a good age to take a kitten away from its mother?

You can wean at kitten at 8-10 weeks, but you can sell them at 15 weeks.

Kitten troubles you found kittens in the backyard with no mother they seem to be about 2 weeks old they are meowing of hunger you cant let them in the house because of other pets please help?

put the other pets in a separate room with the door locked or get a box as shelter and 2 bowls of food and water simple

How do you determin the age of an abandoned kitten?

Ways to tell the age of a baby kittens. Newborns up to the 10 days have their eyes closed . If a kitten has blue eyes, it is less than 7 weeks old. If the kitten has the umbilical cord attached it is less than 3 days old. Checking a kitten's teeth is a good way to determine how old the kitten is. The centre incisors will erupt from the gums at about 3 weeks, outer incisors about 4 weeks, canines about 4 weeks, upper molars about 8 weeks, lower molars about 5 weeks. Kittens will eat independently at 5 weeks of age. Kittens under 3 weeks aren't toilet trained.

3 - 4 week old orphan kitten care?

My friends cat had a single kitten. She refused to keep it after 3 weeks. I decided to at first give it some smelly wet kitty food and slowly add a little dry til eventually it is weened onto the dry. When kittens are being weened or cut off of mothers milk they tend to have diarrhea. Best of luck , i hope all turns out well for you and your kitten

Does the cat take care of the kitten?

Yes, A mama cat takes care of a kitten for weeks and then the kitten becomes old enough to go out on it's own.

How old should a kitten be before its adopted out from its mother and siblings?

The best time for a kitten to be adopted is 12-14 weeks.