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they all know how, it just probably just doesnt like the female you put in...........

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Q: What if your male betta does not knoe how to breed?
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Related questions

How do you get betta eggs?

From a female Betta. Then the male Betta fertilizes them when they breed together.

Can a female betta breed with a male betta?

yes of course well make them about the same size.Hope that helped.

Can a male betta fish breed without female?

No. You need one of each.

Can you breed a Double fin male betta with a Crownfin female Betta and what do they look like?

Yes. They are the same species, Betta splendens, just different types.

Do male betta make nest even when there is no female?

Yes! Betta fish males can make bubble nests whether or not a female betta is present! Male bettas make nests when their home are in proper conditions and they are ready to breed.

If you have a pregnant betta with no mate but a different male betta what do you do?

Bettas don't form pair bonds like some other fish--notably cichlids--do, so you can breed your female to the male you already have.

Can you put female betta with male betta?

Only if they are both in breeding condition. If they are not he will kill her. If they do breed (Spawn) she must be removed immediately afterwards otherwise he will kill her.

Can a male plakat betta fish mate with a regular female betta fish?

Yes all bettas can mate with other bettas. " regular betta fish" there are different types and they can all breed together.

Which female fighter fish is pair to red crown?

If you can get a female of the same type as the male you have, that is best, but any female Betta will spawn with any male Betta provided they have the correct conditions and are both ready to breed.

What does it mean when the male beta is blowing bubbles?

It means he is in breeding condition and is hoping that a lady Betta will come by and breed with him.

What does it mean that a male Betta Fish has bubbles at the top of his bowl since adding a female Betta Fish yesterday?

the guy at PetSmart told me it means the fish wants to mate ...yep, even fish have the need :)

What to do if the female betta doesn't mate with the male betta?

If you have not fed and housed her very well with lots of live food etc and brought her into breeding condition, she will be unable to breed with the male. To avoid her being killed by the male, she must be moved into a different tank, and brought into breeding condition before she is re-introduced to the male.