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well technically if you are pregnant you won't have periods thus if you have periods you are not pregnant, if you have doubts get a pregnancy test done.


Thanks for putting up all down at the top.

I had pink blood in my discharge 2 weeks later got my period the person at the top says you can't have a period while pregnant and I'm not pregnant by that answer she said so anyway she must be a expert and read our bodies ignore people like her!!!!

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16y ago
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14y ago

If you have had any sexual contact there is alwaysthe chance that you could be pregnant but it does not mean you are. A period doesn't not indicate pregnancy, as they are not clockwork and you can still have your period if you're pregnant.

If you have signs of pregnancy contact your Doctor immediately.

If you think you may be pregnant contact your Doctor. That is the only way to be 100% sure if you're pregnant or not. Pregnancy tests may be a good indicator too, but again- the only way to be sure is to go to your Doctor.

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12y ago

Yes it is very possible that you could be pregnant. Unless you just started a new Birth Control and its just irregular. But you should count back to the last time you had unprotected sex and if it was more than a week and you are due for your monthly gift, get a test. i hope this helped you.

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14y ago

Yes, you could be. I suggest that you take a pregnancy test. The light bleeding could be implantation bleeding from where the fertilised egg has implanted into the uterus lining.

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Q: If your periods are usually heavy and this period has very little red blood and pink and brown blood when you wipe could you be pregnant?
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