

What illnsses can bread cause?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Rotten bread may give you an upset stomach but it doesn't cause any diseases.

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Q: What illnsses can bread cause?
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it matters on the type of bread your making cause of the ingredients prices. you could use a calculator and add the prices. when you make your own bread you can make it however you want to cause it is your bread.

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Physical cause it is still bread

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You can, but it will cause the bread to dry out and go stale.

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its not germs that cause molding on bread its a fungus

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because bread is made of yeast which is the cause for bread

Why do you eat bread?

cause it is nice with butter

Can burned bread cause cancer?

Burned bread has not been known to cause cancer. There have been no studies supporting this seemingly bizarre medical claim.

Is yeast essential in the baking of bread?

No not really, cause if you don't use den it ain't no bread.

Do small turtles eat bread?

ABSOLUTELY NOT ! The bread will swell in their stomach and cause intestinal blockage ! Would they eat bread in their natural habitat... NO !

Why is bread mold unhealthy?

A certain type of bread mould can toxins which can cause hallucinations breathing difficultiesallergicreaction leading potentiallydeath.