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Brazil was impacted like so : Cabral came, and he dominated Brazil. He forgot aboutgoing back to India, and he ruled until Cortez showed up and shot them all with atwenty-two.

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Q: What impact did Pedro Cabral have on the world from his discovery of Brazil?
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While Brazil was inhabited by various native tribes at the time, when Portuguese explorer Pedro Alvarez Cabral landed there in 1500, he claimed the territory for Portugal. Portuguese is the official language of Brazil.

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Pedro Alvarez Cabral was the pourtuguese seaman who discovered Brazil in 1500

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Pedro Alvares Cabral was a Portuguese explorer who discovered the country of Brazil in 1500.

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Brazil was founded in 1500 by Pedro Cabral

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The Portuguese explorer Pedro Álvares Cabral was the first European to voyage to Brazil in 1500.

When did Pedro cabal get to Brazil?

Pedro Alvarez Cabral came to Brazil in April 22, 1500.

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Pedro Cabral was a Portuguese explorer and is credited for being the first to see Brazil

Pedro cabral did what?

He was the nobleman, navigator, and explorer generally credited with the discovery of Brazil. To learn more, see the related link below: