

What in chocolate makes cats sick?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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7y ago

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The chemical theobromine (related to the chemical caffeine) in chocolate is toxic to cats, their liver cannot metabolize it (the human liver can) allowing it to accumulate to dangerous levels, causing illness and often death in cats (and dogs) that consume chocolate.

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Q: What in chocolate makes cats sick?
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Cat's can't have chocolate because it is toxic, and cat's can not have toxic things. Thats why cats cant have chocolate. If they get chocolate they could get sick and die. Never give them chocolate.

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if you are asking if chocolate can kill a dog then your wrong because it just makes them sick so to keep that from happening do feed them chocolate.

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Chocolate is very bad for cats! It's like poison, in small amounts, they will get sick. In larger amounts, it will kill them.

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Cats shouldn't be eating any human food, it cna make them sick. Chocolate can actually be poisenous to cats.

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Medication that is meant for people that is ingested. Hi, ok My cat eats Chocolate and doesn't get sick so idk

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Not at all! In fact, it can make them very sick and possibly die!

How cats can get sick?

yes cats can get sick like people.

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both chocolate and caffeine are toxic to cats

What do sick cats look like?

They look like cats except they are sick. ;)

Can cats get sick from eating chocolate?

Yes some cats do but it depends on what sort of chocolate it is Do not give your cat chocolate! Chocolate is poisonous to both cats and dogs. It contains theobromine, a stimulant which they are unable to metabolize properly. At best it will make them sick, at worst it will kill them.

Do cats eat and drink chocolate?

No,chocolate is bad for cats it gives them stomach pains hope it helped

Do healthy cats attack sick cats?

No because if they attack them they will be sick like the sick cats.And the sick cats know that if they attack the healthy cats they will be healthy. And then when the owners of the healthy wants to take the home, they will be mix up with the sick cats.FYI ,why do the healthy cats fight the sick cats. they have a good behavior so they don't fight or run around for mice or do other yucky and silly stuff.The guy who clean the healthy cats will be so angry to see them dirty and the docter will be dissapointed to the owner cause they don't take care their cats well enough. If they fight