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The Cold War had a significant impact on Latin America, as the United States and the Soviet Union engaged in proxy wars and supported opposing factions in the region. This led to political instability, increased militarization, and human rights abuses in many Latin American countries. Additionally, U.S. interventions in the region during this time often prioritized anti-communist agendas over democracy and human rights.

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Q: What influence did the cold war have on Latin America?
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How did the Cold War affect many Latin American countries?

The Cold War heightened tensions in Latin America as the US and Soviet Union sought to expand their spheres of influence. This led to political instability, military coups, and civil wars in several countries in the region as they became battlegrounds for ideological conflicts. The US supported anti-communist regimes, leading to human rights abuses and social unrest in many Latin American countries.

Ask us was one consequence of the Cold War that continued to influence global politics after the fall of the Soviet Union?

The proliferation of nuclear weapons and the arms race dynamics developed during the Cold War continued to shape global politics post-Soviet Union. The legacy of proxy wars and conflicts fueled by Cold War rivalries also persisted, influencing regional dynamics in various parts of the world. Additionally, the establishment of alliances and strategic partnerships formed during the Cold War continued to impact international relations in the post-Cold War era.

What countries turned democratic after the cold war?

Some countries that transitioned to democracy after the Cold War include Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, and the Baltic States (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania). These countries were formerly under Soviet influence but eventually embraced democratic principles and institutions.

Why did American politicians support corrupt regimes in Latin America?

American politicians supported corrupt regimes in Latin America during the Cold War as part of their strategy to prevent the spread of communism in the region. They saw these regimes as bulwarks against leftist movements, even if they were authoritarian and engaged in corrupt practices. Additionally, there were economic interests and geopolitical considerations that influenced their support for these regimes.

How did the cold war politics play into middle east regional conflicts?

During the Cold War, the United States and the Soviet Union supported various countries in the Middle East based on their own strategic interests, often fueling regional conflicts. Proxy wars, arms sales, and military interventions by the superpowers worsened tensions and contributed to instability in the region, such as in Afghanistan, Iran, and the Arab-Israeli conflict. The competition for influence during the Cold War shaped alliances and conflicts in the Middle East that continue to have lasting effects today.

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What hapenned in Latin America during the Cold War?

during the cold war latin America was overpowered by communism, the u.s feared communism would over power them so they sent the cia to resolve the problem

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Latin America was the strategic backyard of the US during the Cold War. The Cold War started after World War II and lasted until 1991.

How did the United America intervene in latin America during the cold war?

It helped overthrow several communist-leaning governments. :)

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Latin America.

How did the US intervene in Latin America in the cold war in an attempt to communism?

Covert military actions or covert military aid

What motivated U. S foreign policy in latin America during the early 20th century?

The Cold War (1945 - 1991)

How did the US intervene in Latin America in cold war in an attempt to prevent communism?

Covert military actions or covert military aid

How did the United states intervene in latin America during the cold war?

It helped overthrow several communist-leaning governments. :)