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Q: What influences a person and political view?
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What is a political actor?

A political actor is a group or person who influences political situations. Journalists and those who advocate for a cause would be political actors.

What is a major difference between a bias and a point of view?

a point of view is a person's prospective while a bias is a preference that influences a perspective

What would be agents of political socialization?

Agents of political socialization are people that contribute to a person's voting behavior. These include family, friends, teachers, peers, the person's access to the media, and the person's religious influences.

What term do historians use to describe the unique perspective that influences the way each person sees the world?

Point of View.

What was Edwin hubble political view?

political view

What are characteristics of point of view?

Point of view refers to the perspective from which a story is told. It can be first person (narrator is a character in the story), second person (narrator addresses the reader as "you"), or third person (narrator is external to the story). Point of view determines what information is shared with the reader and influences the reader's perception of the characters and events.

What does speaker point of view mean?

Speaker point of view refers to the perspective from which a speaker is conveying information or telling a story. It determines the relationship between the speaker and the audience and influences how the information is presented and interpreted. First-person point of view uses "I" or "we" to tell the story, while third-person point of view uses "he," "she," or "they."

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devil worshippers

What are the six influences on political attitudes?

FamilyGenderReligionEducationRace EthnicityRegion

What was the political reason for the White Primary?

They had no black influences

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it's a fake why would he have a political view?