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At the time of the Glorious Revolution, King James II was the ruling monarch of England. During his reign, there were many English Protestants in his kingdom. He began to make many decisions in favor of Catholicism, which angered both these Protestants and Parliament alike.

He repealed the Test Act, wrote another Declaration of Indulgence (eradicating many, if not all, of the laws against Catholics in England), and directly attacked local authority of nobility, landowners, the English church--anyone with legal privileges, basically--after arresting seven bishops who refused to acknowledge these new rules.

This led to Parliament practically inviting William III of Orange, husband of Mary (she was also his Protestant oldest daughter), to invade England and overthrow James II. He did in 1688, with considerable support--James II fled to France, and William III and Mary took over as monarchs of England in 1689, finishing this "Glorious Revolution."

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