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Sorry, i dont know the actual name, but ive just heard it being called vampire's disease

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Q: What inherited condiction affects the heme pathway and leaves the skin scarred and gums degenerated and may have led to the folklore about vampires?
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What is an inherited condition that affects the heme pathway and may have led to the folklore about vampires?

Porphyria Hemophilia.

Do vampires turn people into vampires?

In stories, movies, and folklore. In reality, vampires do not exist.

Where are all vampires?

Stories, movies, television shows, and folklore. Vampires are not real.

How many vampires are in the US?

there are no vampires anywhere, they do not exist except in stories, myths and folklore.

What country do vampires come from?

in folklore they say vampires were first in Transylvania, Russia and italy

How many vampires are in the world?

Real vampires - zero (0) Imaginary vampires - all the rest. Vampires are not real, they do not exist, they are creatures of fiction and folklore.

What is real related to vampires?

That they exist only in stories and folklore.

Where do vampires assemble on Halloween?

Vampires do not exist, therefore cannot assemble anywhere at anytime. Vampires are just mythical folklore intended to scare the public.

Where are vampires said to come from?

The folklore characters known as vampires are said to originate from Eastern Europe. Vampires are becoming increasingly popular in modern-day fiction.

Why are vampires vampires?

Vampires have no real existence. It is pure fantasy. So it depends on what the author of the story decides. In folklore, vampires have been linked to Lilith, the first wife of Adam, and to Judas Iscariot.

What year were vampires discovered?

Vampires were never "discovered." They do not exist. However, the concept originated in south-eastern European folklore centuries ago.

How are vampires and werewolves alike?

vampires can actually turn into werewolves. its the truth (but folklore) Vampires can trans there body to werewolves as werewolves can trans themselfs to vampire. its called camouflage. vampires tend to turn themselves as werewolfs for disguise.