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Jacob Riis wrote "How the Other Half Lives." He exposed the lives of the many poor Americans living in the slums of the city. These treachers include tenements in which many people crammed together to live in, hot beds which were the poorly made mattresses that they slept in, called hot beds because one person would go to work (usually in a factory) while the other slept and then they would rotate, so the beds would always be warm, and there were often no windows or it was one or two rooms with bunks and a makeshift stove in the middle of the room. Children would be playing in the dirty streets and illness was easily spread.

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Jacob Riis documented the poor living conditions in New York City tenements, revealing the injustice of overcrowding, lack of sanitation, and extreme poverty faced by residents, especially immigrants. Through his Photography and writing, Riis raised awareness of the social issues affecting the urban poor and pushed for reform.

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Q: What injustice did muckraker Jacob Riis document?
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What injutice did mackraker Jacob Rii's document?

Muckraker Jacob Riis documented injustice about the harsh conditions in the mines and the dangers from union members through his book titled, How the Other Half Lives.

What injustice did muckraker Jacob rills document?

Muckraker Jacob Riis documented the injustices faced by the poor living in tenements in New York City during the late 19th century. He exposed the overcrowded and unsanitary living conditions, as well as the exploitation and mistreatment of immigrants and workers.

What injustice did muckraker Jacob riis uncover?

Jacob Riis uncovered the living conditions in New York City tenements in the late 19th century, revealing overcrowding, poor sanitation, and extreme poverty. His work exposed the social injustices faced by immigrants and the urban poor, leading to calls for housing reform and improved living conditions.

Was Jacob Riis a populist?

Jacob Riis was not a populist. He was a social reformer and journalist who focused on exposing the living conditions of the poor in New York City during the late 19th century. Riis's work helped bring attention to issues of poverty and social inequality, but he did not align himself with the Populist movement of that time.

What was Jacob riis's political views?

Jacob Riis was a photo-journalist (or muckraker) in the 1800s who believed that the way the poor were living was wrong. The tenements they lived in were dirty, unsanitary, and overcrowded. He took pictures of these conditions and convinced people to change them.

How many children were in Jacob Riis' family?

Jacob Riis was the third of fifteen children in his family.

What type of job did Jacob Riis have?

Jacob Riis was a Danish-American social reformer and journalist known for his work as a muckraker in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He was a photographer and journalist, using his writing and images to expose the living conditions of the poor in New York City tenements.

When was Jacob Riis born?

Jacob Riis was born on May 3, 1849

Where was Jacob Riis born?

Jacob August Riis was born on May 3, 1849.

How many kids Jacob Riis?

Jacob Riis had five children.

Did Jacob Riis die?

Yes, Jacob Riis died on May 26, 1914

When is Jacob Riis's birthday?

Jacob Riis was born on May 3, 1849