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phospholipid(hydrophobic tail)

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Q: What inner part of the bilayer is composed of fatty acid?
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Which part of the membrane prevents organisms from dissolving in water?

Nonpolar fatty acid chains.Non fatty acid chains

What part of the cell membrane prevents the cell from dissolving in water?

Nonpolar Fatty acid chains

What macromolecules make up the cell membrane?

The cell membrane is composed of a bilayer of phospholipids, which are composed of a glycerol molecule chemically combined with a polar hydrophilic phosphate head and two hydrophobic fatty acid tails.

What part of the cell membrane prevents organisms from dissolving organisms from dissolving in water?

The lipid bilayer prevents the cell from dissolving in water.

Hydrophobic reactions of phospholipids may produce clusters of their fatty acid tails which form what?

lipid bilayer

What is a double layer of phospholipids?

A cell's membrane (plasma membrane) is made of a phospholipid bilayer where the hydrophillic phosphate groups form the two outer sides of the bilayer and the hydrophobic fatty acid chains are the interior.

Hydrophobic interactions of the tails of phospholipids can produce a. a cytoskeleton. b. a protein membrane. c. a nonpolar membrane. d. a lipid bilayer. e. hydrolysis of the fatty acid?

a lipid bilayer

Is Triglyceride a lipid?

Yes triglycerides are lipids. Triglycerides are composed of fatty acids and glycerol. Lipids are composed of fatty acid molecules, phospholipids, monoglycerides, and metabolites.

How does phopholipds behave in water?

When placed in water, phospholipids will orient themselves into a bilayer in which the non-polar tail region faces the inner area of the bilayer.

Fats are composed of three fatty acid molecules joined to a molecule of?


What are triglycerides and what kind of fatty acid is this?

Triglycerides are a type of fatty acid that aid in the bodily processes of the liver. They are composed of one glycerol and three fatty acids, hence the name, tri-glycerides.

What part of the cell membrane make up the phospholipid bilayer?

Phosholipids are composed of a glycerol backbone, 2 fatty acids, and a phosphate group. Two fatty acid chains are attached to the first 2 carbon molecules of the glycerol chain. The 3rd carbon of the glycerol backbone is attached to a phosphate group.