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Q: What insects sucks blood more mosquito or bedbug?
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What eat mosquito?

mosquito sucks the blood

What is a bit from a flying bug that sucks blood?

Mosquito bite

Is a mosquito a carnivore!!!?

It is a carnivore because it's sucks on peoples blood.

How do you spell the word muskeeto?

mosquito (thats the one that sucks blood)

What is the difference between a bee and a mosquito?

one sucks blood (mosquito) and a bee stings you. oh and a mosquito can also carry deseases like malaria in places like Africa

What is the name of the ant or insect which sticks to the body of man and sucks blood?


Parasitism in a tundra biome?

An example of parasitism in the Arctic Tundra is the mosquito and Caribou. The mosquito sucks the blood of the caribou and gives the caribou a rash. The mosquito gets blood and can now lay eggs.

What is a blood sucking insect?

Depending on your question... A. Mosquito is one. B. A bloodsucking insect is a bug who sucks blood to feed themshelfs or there babies.

What is the difference of a grasshopper and a mosquito?

A fly is a type of insect that feeds on food and fruits. E.g. Fruit flies. They lay eggs on land, hardly harmful but can cause food poisoning if they feed on the food we ate. They can grow up to be bigger and fatter than a mosquito. A mosquito is a poisonous insect that sucks our blood for survival. They lay eggs in water. This will cause itichiness in the place where the mosquito suck our blood. The female only sucks our blood while the male feed on fruits..

What other kind of creature sucks blood and is'nt a bat nor mosquito?

Many parasites do, like fleas, ticks, and leeches.

What is haustoria?

it is the part through which mosquito sucks.

Why are adult mosquito considered as a harmful animals?

because they carry germs