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Q: What instrument is used to trace the direction of a magnetic field?
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Trace the historical development of computer?

when was the trace the development of computers invented?

Where can most Americans trace their ancestry?


What state did the natchez trace begin?

It started in Tennessee.

Who can designate imdc personel?

you can trace the lineage of the nco back to ...

How do you draw a castle?

all you do is just trace the picturethen if i doesnt work print a picture of a castle that you like and then ask someone(like and adult) to help you trace the castle picture that you liked.....thats what i did!!

Related questions

How can the direction of magnetic field lines at a place can be determined?

Get a magnet that's free to turn in any direction ... a boy-scout compass will do nicely.Place it in the magnetic field. It rotates to point in the direction of the field 'lines' atthat location. (I forget whether it's the north or south pole of the compass that pointsin the direction of the magnetic field, or opposite to it.)If you like, move your detector slowly, always following the direction in which it points,and you'll trace out a complete 'line' of the magnetic field.

How is the direction of a magnetic field determind?

The cheap and easy way that we did in school long ago was to put the magnetic on a table, lay a sheet of paper on top, and sprinkle iron shavings on it. I don't know if that always works, but it did for our experiment. If you are looking to measure the Gauss of the magnet. I would see how much force is exerted on a steel bar and search the Internet to see if there are some simple formulas. Depending on what you're looking for, I can provide more help.

How a compass can be used to trace the magnetic field of the magnet?

The pull of the magnet will over ride the earths magnetism. So the compass will react to the magnet as it passes through its field.

Can you trace?

All electrical conductors are surrounded by a magnetic field. By detecting this magnenetic field you can trace hidden electrical cables buried in walls using a cable tracer. More advanced versions of this type of tool are used to detect power cables buried underground.

What is the result of Magnetic reversals?

The north pole becomes the south pole and vice versa. Also any rocks cooling in the reversed field will trap the magnetic polarity prevalent at their time of cooling. This means we can can trace the history of past magnetic reversals.

Can you trace electricity?

All electrical conductors are surrounded by a magnetic field. By detecting this magnenetic field you can trace hidden electrical cables buried in walls using a cable tracer. More advanced versions of this type of tool are used to detect power cables buried underground.

What is the significance of hysteresis?

Hysteresis is the delay between an observed outcome and the quantity of change applied.When a ferromagnetic material is magnetized in one direction, it will not relax back to zero magnetization when the imposed magnetizing field is removed. It must be driven back to zero by a field in the opposite direction. If an alternating magnetic field is applied to the material, its magnetization will trace out a loop called ahysteresis loop. The lack of retraceability of the magnetization curve is the property called hysteresis and it is related to the existence of magnetic domains in the material. Once the magnetic domains are reoriented, it takes some energy to turn them back again. This property of ferrromagnetic materials is useful as a magnetic "memory". Some compositions of ferromagnetic materials will retain an imposed magnetization indefinitely and are useful as "permanent magnets". The magnetic memory aspects of iron and chromium oxides make them useful in audiotape recording and for the magnetic storage of data on computer disks.Variations in Hysteresis CurvesThere is considerable variation in the hysteresis of different magnetic materials.

Can magnetic field lines be detected by a compass?

The magnetic field can certainly be detected by a compass.The 'lines' are a handy human invention, and don't really exist, so you could not,say, trace out the lines with a compass, because they're not there.But place a compass next to a wire that's involved in any battery-operated (DC)circuit, and the compass absolutely goes crazy !

How can the magnetic orientation of rocks be used to trace a continent that has drifted?

When rocks are formed, usually from lava flows, the magnetic orientation of them is set as they solidify. As these rocks are affected by continental drift and other factors such as earthquakes, the original magnetic orientation remains. Using the known strengths of the earth's magnetic field over time, it is possible to then tell where these rocks originally emerged.

Why was there no trace of magnetism in the rocks of Hellas and Argyre on Mars?

Magnetic minerals were not formed at the surface

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If you wanted to trace the creation of tectonic plates using magnetic bands of normal and reversed polarity your best place to measure the magnetic stripes would be?

I need help