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Q: What intracellular substance degrades cAMP thus inactivating the response to a hormone?
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What intracellular substance degrades cAMP and inactivating the response to a hormone?


Which intracellular substance degrades cAMP thus inactivating the response to a hormone?


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Which substance is called the second chemical messenger?

Second messengers activate other intracellular chemicals to produce the target cell response. Their are five types discovered, one of them is CAMP (cyclic adenosine mono-phosphate)

What are intracellular accumulation?

Excess accumulations of substances in cells may lead to cellular injury due to toxicity, immune response, and/or taking up cellular space Characterized by: Excessive amounts of normal intracellular substance Characterized by: - Accumulation of abnormal substances secondary to faulty metabolism or synthesis - Accumulation of pigments or particles that cell is unable to degrade Common site of accumulation is liver

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The extracellular spaces are protected by the humoral immune response, in which antibodies produced by B cells cause the destruction of extracellular microorganisms and prevent the spread of intracellular infections. This is often called antibody mediated immunity. This response is triggered by an antigen and usually requires helper T cells.

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Intercellular and intracellular?

Intracellular proteins are all the proteins that travel in between cells. It may also be termed as secretory proteins. they formed in cytoplasm of a cells and secreted out by Golgi body vesicles after maturation. this in turn has a role out of the cells may act as a hormone or messenger to trigger a response in a distant tissue. They carried by blood stream to the destination.

How do the immune cells discover intracellular pathogens?

Immune cells can detect intracellular pathogens through pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) that recognize specific pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs). When PRRs on immune cells bind to PAMPs, it triggers a signaling cascade that activates the immune response against the intracellular pathogen. This process helps immune cells detect and respond to the presence of intracellular pathogens.