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"Put down your pens!" literally and "Stop writing!" loosely are English equivalents of the French phrase Posez vos stylos!The pronunciation will be "po-zey vo stee-lo" in French.

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Q: What is 'Posez vos stylos' when translated from French to English?
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What does posez vos stylos mean in english?

It means 'Put down your pens'. Posez is the imperative mood of poser, meaning to put down. As it has the vous ending, this suggests the sentence is addressing more than one person. Vos means your, and stylos is pens.

How do you say put down the book in french?

posez le livre, posez votre livre

What does posez mean in french?

"Posez" in French can mean "ask" or "pose." It is the imperative form of the verb "poser" which means to ask a question, place, or pose something.

What does posez votre stylo mean?

"Posez votre stylo" is French for "put down your pen." It is a polite way of asking someone to stop writing or pause their writing activity.

Meaning of voulez vous?

voulez-vous ? means 'do you want?' voulez-vous un café ? = do you want a coffee? it is an inverted, interrogative form of "vous voulez" from the verb "vouloir" In some occurences it can be use as a form of politeness: posez ce paquet ici, voulez-vous? = put that parcel here, if you please?

What region of france is gateau aux pommes from?

Gateau aux pommes (apple cake) is a dish enjoyed throughout France. I'm not sure any one region can claim to have invented it. Here is one recipe for it.Ingrédientspour Gâteau aux pommes moelleux6 pommes - 6 apples100 g de farine - 1/2 cup flour100 g de sucre - 1/4 cup sugar100 g de beurre fondu - 1/2 cup melted butter3 oeufs - 3 eggs1/2 sachet de levure chimique - 1/2 Tbs(packet) Baking powderbeurre pour le moule - butter for the mold1 pincée de sel - 1 pinch saltPréparationpour Gâteau aux pommes moelleuxPréchauffez le four th.6 (180°C).- preheat oven to 180C(325F) Pelez et coupez les pommes en dés.- peel core and slice applesDans une jatte, battez les oeufs et le sucre, ajoutez le beurre fondu, la farine, la levure et le sel. - in a bowl beat the eggs and sugar, add melted butter, flour, baking powder and saltLorsque la pâte est prête, ajoutez les morceaux de pommes et mélangez-les à la pâte.- when the batter is ready add the apple slices and mixBeurrez un moule et déposez-y la préparation. - butter the mold (tart pan) and pour in the batterEnfournez pendant 30 min. - bake for 30 minutes.Bon appétit !