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Vicis est volatilis is what you get when you tiry to translate the English sentence "time is flying" or "time is swift" using an online translator. It's not good Latin: vicis is "time" in the sense of "a time at bat", and furthermore never appears as the subject of a sentence. The proper translation is Tempus est volatile, or even better Tempus fugit.

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Q: What is 'Vicis est volatilis' in English?
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This is what you get when you enter "the time is now" into a certain online translator. It's not good Latin; the problem is that the word vicis never appears in the nominative case, that is, as the subject of a sentence; also, vicis means "time" as in, say, "a time at bat", not "the right moment; the proper time". For that meaning, Latin uses tempus or occasio.The Roman playwright Plautus (Titus Macchius Plautus, c. 254-184 BC) combined both of these words in a sentence from his play Pseudolus: nunc occasio est et tempus, "now is the opportunity and the time". "The time is now" all by itself would be nunc est tempus.

What is the Latin word for volatile?


What is est ta in English?

Est ta in English is Is your.

What is 'est' when translated from Latin to English?

The verb est in Latin is "is" in English.

English to Latin for it is what it is?

Est quid est.

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Est in french means is in english.

What does the latin vicis mean?

This is false Latin produced by a certain online translation site. Literally it means "Not he of alternation" or "not he of turn". The English phrase that called forth this nonsense was probably "Not this time", which would be better translated as Non hac vice.

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volatilis Leo aquila

How do you say someone is English in french?

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What do you call a village in Latin?

villa, vicis