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It is an annual holiday for Americans to celebrate their day of Independence when, on July 14, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was signed by 56 American colonists who were requesting their independence from the United Kingdom. Though this made them an enemy of the English Monarchy, and caused them strife from loosing their families as a result, it has granted Americans freedom to govern themselves as a country, not as a part of the Crown of Great Britain.

Thus, it is a day for Americans to be very patriotic and proud of being American.

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Q: What is American Independence Day?
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American Independence Day is July 4. This year July 4 falls on Sunday.

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No, its an American holiday only. the english wouldnt celebrate AMERICAN independence day. Its the day we adopted the declaration of independence. Woot!

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The American Independence Day is the 4th July.

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The Americans celebrate July4th as Independence Day

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Independence Day has been celebrated by the American people since July 4, 1776, with the signing of the Declaration of Independence from Great Britain and the Crown. No one individual started it, although John Adams had written in a letter to his wife Abigail that it would become the most celebrated day in American history.

When is the American Independence Day celebrated?

On the Fourth of July

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independence day

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The event that is commemorated by the Independence Day federal holiday? That would be the day that the American colonies declared their independence from England on July 4, 1776.