

What is CPU context?

Updated: 10/27/2022
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12y ago

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I believe what your referring to is the process of which the CPU (Central Processing Unit) of it basically "pausing" and "resuming" applications.... That's a really bad answer but It is rather hard to explain.

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Q: What is CPU context?
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What is the context switch in UNIX?

Context switching is, as far as I know, essentially the same process in all multi-tasking operating systems.Simplistically, in order for a multi-tasking operating system to switch tasks on and off a CPU, the operating system must be able to store and restore the state of the CPU for each process that shares that CPU. The act of storing and restoring the CPU state is referred to as context switching.In a nutshell (an oversimplified nutshell), the states/values of the Instruction Pointer, the registers, accumulator etc. must all be saved for a given process for the OS (Operating System) to move to the next process in the queue. Once they are saved, the states/values of the next process in the queue can be loaded into those same registers etc. and that process can continue execution for 'N' number of instructions. Then this whole procedure is repeated for the next process in the queue. And so on, and so forth, ad infinitum...Necessarily, MUCH is omitted in the above over simplification but it is hoped, none the less, that the above description provides some very general idea of what happens during a context switch.The term context switching is a sort of catch all which may refer to and cover a number of more specific processes such as thread context switches, register context switches, task context switches etc.This answer is necessarily over simplified as a full description of context switching is far beyond the scope deemed acceptable in this forum.

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