

What DDT is used for?

Updated: 12/13/2022
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10y ago

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DDT was used to spray fruits (its a pesticide) to keep bugs away, etc. Eagles (among other animals) ate this fruit or ate other animals who had eaten the fruit, thus the poison was transmitted. When the birds laid eggs, the shells of these eggs were very thin which caused the unhatched chicks to die. After a period of time, eagles became endangered and a law was passed, because not only is DDT harmful to animals but to humans as well. Think of THAT when you're biting into that red, artificially grown apple-yum!!!!

DDT was used primarily for controlling malarial mosquitoes,However environmental extremist groups manipulated data and wildly exaggerated their claims to push for a worldwide ban on DDT - which is, to this day,still the most effective weapon against malarial mosquitoes. The Environmental Protection Agency held extensive hearings and these hearings concluded that DDT should not be banned. A few months after the hearings ended, EPA administrator William Ruckleshaus over-ruled his own agency and banned DDT anyway, in what he later admitted was a "political" decision. Threats to withhold American foreign aid swiftly spread the ban across the world..

The resulting explosion of mosquito-borne malaria in Africa alone has claimed over sixty million lives. This was not a gradual process - a surge of infection and death happened almost immediately. The use of DDT reduces the spread of mosquito-borne malaria by 80-90%, so its discontinuation quickly produced an explosion of crippling and fatal illness claiming the lives of over 2 million people per year rather than the 10,000 per year when DDT was in use.

The same environmental movement which has been falsifying data, suppressing dissent, and reading tea leaves to support the global-warming fraud has studiously ignored this blood-drenched "hockey stick" for decades. Environmentalist have murdered more people than Hitler,Stalin or any other group in history...

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DDT is a powerful insecticide.

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Can DDT cause malaria?

No, DDT is used against mosquitoes which are vectors of malaria.

Why was DDT used in North America?

As a pesticide/insecticide.

Why is ddt still used today even though it is harmful?

DDT is very efficient against mosquitoes.

How do you ddt somebody witheout hurting them?

One should not use DDT directly on another person. That will have serious side effects. If DDT is to be used, it should be used sparingly and only sprayed in places that mosquitos will congregrate.

Is DDT used in Croatia or Bulgaria?

not allowed

Ddt and related compounds are primarily stored in?

DDT or dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane is a colorless crystalline substance that is used as an insecticide. DDT and some related compounds are primarily stored in fats and other organic solvents.

What types of chemicals are used in pest control?

One major chemical used in pest control is DDT. DDT can be especially harmful, because it kills organisms, which harms the food chain. DDT can also harm our crops, and cause unwanted side effects in consumers.

Was ddt used to kill bad bugs 50 years ago?

Yes, DDT is very efficient against mosquitoes and other insects.

What was ddt used for before World War 2?


What does DDT mean in global warming?

DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) is a pesticide. It has nothing to do with global warming. It was however used as an example of the bio-accumulation of chemicals in the ecosystem which may harm animals, fish and birds. DDT was used as an example of these problems in Rachael Carson's book "Silent Spring"

What is pesticides ddt?

DDT was a pesticide used in the 1950s and 60s that was used to kill parasites and other insects that could harm crops. It was used during a time when Generation X was born, and the need for food rapidly increased. DDT has been banned due to its drastic affect on the environment, mainly with the Bald Eagle. DDT caused the egg shells of the Bald Eagle to become brittle and fragile, easy to crack. This caused a rapid decline in the eagles' population. DDT is a horrible, banned (thankfully) pesticide.

Is ddt a medicine?

No. DDT was a pesticide used to kill insects on crops. It has been banned because it caused tremendous problems for humans who ate the crops.