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He does not have any because the sun was out almost all year in Greece. And he was the sun-god.

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Q: What is Helios the sun god's flaw?
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What is the sun gods name in greek?


Are Apollo and Helios both sun gods?

No; only Helios is the Sun god; Apollo is often mistakenly identified with him.

Who is the Greek goddess of the sun?

There are a few Greek gods. Helios is one the god of the sun, Titaness is the mother of Helios.

Powers of Helios?

Helios was the God of the Sun. He could summon and control the element of Fire. He rides his chariot and brings the light of day to earth. He is also immortal as all Gods are.

What are the similarities between Ra and Helios?

The similarities are they are both sun gods they both have some sort of transportation:Ra a boat Helios a chariot.the difference between them is that Ra in his own mythology is that he is the King of the gods adn also is the god of creation while in Greek mythology helios was nothing moe than a sun god

What are were Helios's?

Helios was the God of the Sun. He could summon and control the element of Fire. He rides his chariot and brings the light of day to earth. He is also immortal as all Gods are.

What does the sun symbolize in Greek?

It means the eye of heaven. Nyx and Herema where the first ever sun and moon gods but then later got replaced by Helios (sun) and Selene (moon). Apollo (god the sun, music, healing, and prophecy) and Artemis (goddess of the moon, animals, and huntress of the gods) soon took the place of Helios and Selene. To find out more about the greek gods and goddesses check out the related link.

How did Helios get his name?

Helios mean "sun" and Helios is the Greek Titan God of the Sun.

Was Apollo the only sun god?

No. The Greeks had two sun gods, Apollo, who drew his power from the sun, and Helios, who drove the sun chariot. The Romans downsized to Apollo only.

Who was the greek god of the sun before Apollo?

Actually Apollo was the Greek god of the sun. But before that Helios the titan God was the god of the sun. after the war between the titans and the gods, the gods won and therefore Apollo became the Sun God

Where did the sun gods live?

greek and roman- helios-okeanos river apollo-olympis egyption- ra-heliopolis

What are facts about Greek god Helios?

He's not a God, he's a Titan, but he drove the sun chariot for the Gods anyway, because he didn't pick the Titans side in the war between the Gods and TitansHis son died by crashing the sun chariot into the earth, making the Sahara desertSometimes Apollo is considered god of the sun instead of Helios