

What is Improper Eating Habit?

Updated: 11/13/2022
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16y ago

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All humans should have protein which includes beans, meats, etc. They need calcium from dairy products such as milk, cheese, yogurt, etc. Fruits and vegetables, grains and plenty of water (8 - 8 ounce glasses per day and more if the weather is hot or you are exercising.) Many people will eat quick foods such as grabbing a quick hamburger, Pizza, etc. Eating too many sweets. This is OK to a degree, but a steady diet of this is not good. Skipping meals is also incorrect eating habits. Some people feel if they miss meals and make up for it at dinner or later in the evening they are doing OK. The correct eating is to have 3 meals a day with the odd snack of either a raw veggie or a piece of fruit or even yogurt. The portions of what one eats also has to be taken into consideration. Three things that make things taste good: sugar, fats and salt. Read your labels when buying your food and to make things easier when out, eat smart and when ordering a hamburger ask for your sauces such as mayonnaise 'on the side' and you can put your own on sparingly. Salads with seafood, chicken or beef are also good for a person, but it doesn't really fill up men.

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