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I'm sure someone somewhere has compiled stats on this, but I don't know where such info is held! Try the Oxford Centre for Hebrew & Jewish Studies!

One can state with confidence, however, that there are large numbers of Jewish people (observant & non observant) studying, teaching & researching at both Oxford & Cambridge Universities! In fact, I'd go further & hazard the assertion that proportionate to percentage of the UK population as a whole more Jewish "kids" probably go to Oxford & Cambridge than any other group.

As a rough "guestimate" (based on my own experience/ observation) probably 10% of Oxbridge students are in some sense "Jewish" ("ethnically"/ culturally, if not always "observant"!), whereas only about 2% of the UK population is in any way "Jewish" - ie having a Jewish parent or grandparent.

Does Oxford discriminate against Jewish people? Unequivocally - NO!

Is being Jewish a problem at Oxford? - NO!

Are Jewish people in any way disadvantaged in the Oxbridge system? - Not if the large number of professors, senior college fellows, researchers etc of Jewish heritage is anything to go by!

Of course, anti-semites exist everywhere, even at Oxford & Cambridge! Generally, however, you'd be hard-pressed to find a more "comfortable" environment for Jewish people than Oxford & Cambridge Universities - assuming, of course, they're intellectually inclined & dedicated to scholarship.

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