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"Without God's permission, it is difficult for Satan to touch even a drop of water or grain of sand upon the land; without God's permission, Satan is not even free to move the ants about upon the land-let alone mankind, who was created by God. In the eyes of God, Satan is inferior to the lilies on the mountain, to the birds flying in the air, to the fish in the sea, and to the maggots on the earth. Its role among all things is to serve all things, and work for mankind, and serve God's work and His plan of management. Regardless of how malicious its nature, and how evil its substance, the only thing it can do is to dutifully abide by its function: being of service to God, and providing a counterpoint to God. Such is the essence and position of Satan. Its substance is unconnected to life, unconnected to power, unconnected to authority; it is merely a plaything in God's hands, just a machine in service to God!" from A Continuation of The Word Appears in the Flesh.

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Satan was once an angel, or "son of God" as recorded in The Bible.

Ezekiel 28:15 (talking about the Devil) "You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created till wickedness was found in you."

John 8:44 (Jesus talking about the Devil) "He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him."

This angel, became Satan the Devil, when he lied to the first humans and convinced them to sin by not listening to God. (Genesis 3:1-6) The title "Satan the Devil", actually means "resister and slanderer". He confronted God's sovereignty and his ability to rule humankind and had humankind, as well as many other angels, follow him in his rebellion. He is considered the ruler of this world. (1 John 5:19)

To God, he was an enemy that had to be proven wrong in order to maintain God's claim to His absolute sovereignty, pure holiness, and faultlessness. God sent his firstborn son, Jesus Christ, to be a human on Earth to validate, or redeem, the creation of humankind. God has also let the rebellion of humans play out in order to prove that God's rule is unquestionably the right way to go so that he could justly act to end the rebellion some day.

All of these were things the Devil caused, so in God's eyes, he is a murderer, a slanderer, an apostate, and the father of unrighteousness and worthy of everlasting destruction.

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