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Serbia agreed to all but one of the ten demands. The one that they could not accept (#6) demanded that Austrian police be allowed to operate in Serbia as they conducted arrests of suspects in the assassation of the Archduke.

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Q: What is Serbia response to the ultimatum sent by austro-Hungarian empire?
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What is Serbias response to the ultimatum sent by the Austro-Hungarian empire?

When Serbia responded to Austria-Hungary's ultimatum, they accepted all the conditions save one. Austria-Hungary immediately declared war on Serbia, which had always been their intention given the demeaning demands they had made.

What happened when serbia accepted all but one demand of the Austro-Hungarian ultimatum?

When Serbia rejected the Hapsburgh ultimatum, Russia supported Serbia, Germany backed the Austro-Hungarians, who invaded Serbia bringing the triple alliance, (Russia England France) into the First World War. The Ottoman Empire backed Germany and Austro-Hungarians to create the Axis. Italy backed the triple alliance to create the Allies, which defeated the Axis, in 1918. Canada, Australia, New England and other Commonwealth Nations supported England, as they did in WW2.

What happen with Austria after the archduke was killed?

Austria-Hungary delivered an ultimatum that Serbia concede to their control; this was refused in part and altered in part, and the Empire declared war on them, triggering a series of treaties and agreements which set off World War 1.

What empire did Serbia break away from?

Serbia become de facto independent from Ottoman empire in 1804. and 1807. And de jure in 1830.

Was Serbia and Romania parts of Austrian empire?

Only some provinces of Serbia and Romania.

How did the issue in Serbia lead directly into World War 1?

The assasination of Archduke Franz Furdinan of Austria-Hungary by Serbian Galivro Princip was the last step in WW 1. After the assasination this was an excuse for Germany and Austro-Hungarian Empire to declare war on Serbia which they have despiratly wanted. Serbia's main allie, Russia, said that if they were to attack Serbia then Russia would attack them. And then France, Russia's biggest allie said that if they were to attack Russia then it would attack them. So the war begins with those 3 countries against Germany and Austria-Hungary. Germany invades France through belgium, abusing its neutrality which makes Britain upset so it declares war on Germany. Bulgaria joins Germany 1 week later. In 1915 Italy joins Serbia's alliance and the Ottoman Empire joins Germany's alliance which makes this a World War so the entire World gets involved. Then in 1917 the United States and Greece join Serbia's alliance.

Was Serbia an empire in 1914?

Yes, it was. It was an empire until Second World War

What did the austro-Hungarian empire demand of Serbia?

to fight for them

How did the Austro-Hungarian empire force Serbia to war?

Because serbia didn't want to agree to everything Austria Hungary wanted they invaded serbia which would force Serbia to fight back.

Who supported Serbia against the Austria-Hungary empire?


Who are the enemies of Serbia?

Enemies in the "Great War " were : - Austro Hungarian empire - Germany - Ottoman empire - Bulgaria

What country had taken over territories that Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire wanted to regain?

Yugoslavia (now Serbia)