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The Boston Terrier is called '波士顿梗' in China. In Hong Kong, it is called '波士頓爹利'.

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What dog was called the gentlemen of dogs?

A Boston Terrier. They are related to the English Bulldog and the extinct White Terrier

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Where was the first Boston terrier born at?

Boston Massachusetts. It was a mix beween an English Bulldog and a Now extinct white Terrier. They were called Bull Terriers but the AKC made them change the name as there already were dogs called Bull Terriers so they changed the name to Boston Terrier.

What dog is called the Gentlemen of dogs?

The Boston Terrier. They are called this because of their fur. They have a black and white coat so it looks like a tux so that's why they are know as that

What is the cuties dog?

It is a cross between a Boston Bulldog and a Jack Russell Terrier. It is called a Boston Jack.

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Why was a Boston Terrier and a American Rat Terrier Bred together?

They were'NT bred together. tHe Boston Terrier is a mix of a English Bulldog and A White Terrier. Not a Rat Terrier.

A Boston Terrier is originally bread from which dogs?

Did you mean: A Boston Terrier is originally bred from which dogs? The Boston Terrier was bred from English Bulldogs and English Terriers.

What country did the Boston terrier come from?

the Boston terrier came from the united states of America

How old do staffordshire Boston terriers get?

Do you mean a Staffordshire Terrier mixed with a Boston Terrier?