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int Strlen (const char* str) {

if (!str) return -1; /* invalid argument */

int count;


while (*str++) ++count;

return count;


int main (void) {

char str[1024];

scanf ("Enter a string: %s\n", str);

printf ("Length of string: %d\n", Strlen(str));

return 0;


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Q: What is a C program to calculate the number of characters in a string?
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In python, type the following into a document. NOTE: Sentences following a # symbol are comments, and are not necessary for the program to run. #!/usr/bin/python #This program takes a input from a user and reverses it. number = input("Type a number: ") #This takes input from a user. a = len(number) #This finds the length of the number reverse = "" #This sets the variable reverse to an empty string. for i in number: a = a-1 #The places in a string start from 0. The last value will be the length minus 1.reverse = reverse + number[a] #Makes the number's last digit the new string's first. print("The reverse of", number, "is", reverse + ".") #prints the resulting string. This program will take any sequence of characters and reverse them. The final value is a string, but if an integer is needed, one needs only to add the line reverse = int(reverse) above the print statement. However, this will stop the program from being able to reverse strings, as it is not possible to convert a string to an integer if it is not a number.

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First of all numbers are not meant to be stored in a string and if u do so in C, these numbers will be treated as characters and you can not perform any calculation on these numbers, and to find the number of characters in a string use the strlen() from the string.h file.

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To get the length of the string we use length property. The length property returns the length of a string (number of characters we use).If the string is empty, length of the string will be 0. Syntax: string.length Hope this helps.

How do you count the number of words in a string?

To find the length of the string we use length method. The length property returns the length of a string (number of characters we use).The length of an empty string is 0. For example: function myFunction() { var str = &quot;Hello World!&quot;; var n = str.length; Hope this hepls.

How do you write c program to accept a string from the console and count number of vowels constants digits tabs and blank spaces in a string?

Read the characters one at a time, and write an "if" for each of the cases. In each case, if the condition is fulfilled, increment the corresponding counter variable.

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public int getStringLength(String val) { return val.length(); } There is an inbuilt functionality in strings that counts the number of alphabets in a string called length()

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".length()". The . length method is inherited from the String class.

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A string is an array of characters.