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Q: What is a black snake with white ring around neck called?
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Black snake with white ring around neck and white belly?

It's called(Diadophis punctatus) Or a Ringneck as most people call it.

What type of black snake has white spots?

Cottonmouth (white mouth). The answer's in the question.

What kind of snake is white with black stripes?

Sea Kraits are white with black stripes. Or black with white stripes if you like to look at it that way.They're a sea snake, highly venomous, but only aggressive when provoked repeatedly.King snakes are also black and white, striped. They are non-venomous, land based and eat other snakes.Hope this helped!

What kind of snake has a black top and reddish orange underbelly and white ring around neck?

A ring-necked snake, a small snake that eats invertebrates such as slugs and worms.

Black snake white ring around neck?

The northern ringneck snake is a small snake, which grows up to two feet long. They usually live in forests, grassy places, and the sides of streams.

What kind of snake has black and white bellies?

The red-bellied black snake, which is native to eastern Australia, is black with a distinctive pink-red belly.

What kind of snake is black with yellow stripes around the body and red tongue?

If the stripes are light in color, maybe even off white it could be a CA king snake.

What kind of snake is black with one white stripe?

its a Black & White Desert Phase California Kingsnake

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what does a white snake with black diamonds on the back mean

What kind of snake is a snake with a black top and a white underbelly and is it poisonous found in south Africa?

could be a black rat snake. those are not poisonous. they are almost harmless. (other person) It could be a water mocasin. Those are highly poisonous to people. They are also called cottonmouths.

What snake species has a white ring around its neck and is found under rocks?

The White-Ringed Rock Snake

What kind of snake is black with white diamonds?

Diamondback rattlesnake