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It could be a pimple or a cyst.

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Q: What is a bump that got bigger when you tried to pop it and hurts when you touch it?
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did you hit your head? ....

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Red bump on back I have a red bump size of a penny .25 inch bumped up red hurts when I touch it. right on the spine line between shoulder blades.what is it?

a pimple on your bake

What if the bump hurts?

Put ice on it.

What does a hard bump behind my left ear close to my hair line mean it hurts really bad when i touch it?

Most likely it's a cyst.

Bump in your right ear you do not have any piercings and it is not filled with fluid you have had it in your left ear but it went away when you touch it it hurts what is it?

grab a safety pin and pop it yo

What happens if you have a bump on one of your knees?

it hurts

Red bump on back I have a red bump size of a penny 14 inch bumped up red hurts when I touch it. right on the spine line between shoulder blades.what is it?

Your Shoulder can move downward, and can cause a red bump and swelling. If blood collect around your spine and shoulder is can cause a red bump and discomfort. Or it could be a type of injury

What could be wrong if you sneezed this morning and felt pressure in your nose and a pain on the left nostril and half way down there is a small bump and it hurts to touch it?

It probably means you have a small pimple on the inside of your nose, which can hurt a lot but is harmless and usually disappears in a few days. Many people experience them occasionally. That said, if the pain continues or the bump gets bigger, consult professional medical advice.

What could a bump next to your right hip be?

Hi i have a bump next to my right hip like right above my appendix and it is hard and hurts to the touch i dont know what it is what do you think it might be ? should i worry also its very painful like a nife stabbing my side

How do you use bump on the i pod touch?

to use bump you have to bump ipods and that person comes in your messaging easy