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Q: What is a category of data called in a data base?
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It is called grouping data.

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In an access table each column contains a category of data called what?


In databases a category of data is called what?

In databases, a category of data is called a "table." A table consists of rows and columns where each column represents a specific attribute of the data and each row represents a record. Tables are used to organize and store data in a structured manner within a database system.

What is it called when you repeat the same data in many tables in a data base?


In databases a data category is called a .?

In databases, a data category is typically referred to as a "data type." Data types define the kind of data that can be stored in a particular column or variable, such as integers, strings, dates, and so on. Different database management systems offer various data types to accommodate different types of data.

In a chart an explanation of the patterns or colors that are assigned to a data series that represent a category is called?


In a chart an explanation of the patterns or colors that are assigned to a data series that represents a category is called the?


In databases a category of data is called a . field record worksheet table?

A category of data in databases is called a field. It represents a specific piece of information within a database record, such as a name or an address. Multiple fields are combined to form a database record, which is then organized in a table.

What is the difference between data base and data base management system?

data base means a collection of data,which may be inter related. data base management system is a collection of programs for managing the data base.

What is the data base called that stores DNA profiles?

Identification, for people and crime scenes.

Who are the database users?

The data base are not people but people make the data base like Steve jobs is a data base maker