

What is a clutch that painted turtles lay?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: What is a clutch that painted turtles lay?
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Do painted turtles need land?

Yes, painted turtles need land. They are cold-blooded reptiles which means they rely on their environment for warmth. Turtles like to lay on logs/rocks/land to bask in the sunlight.

How does The Painted Turtle raise its babies?

the male painted turtle wiggles it's nails in front of the female turtles

Are stink pot turtles and painted turtles the same?

no, stinpots are musk turtles not painted turtles

How many eggs do sea turtles lay in one clutch?

usually up to 10 but it can vary depending on your breed of turtle. They are known to lay up to 25.

Are baby painted turtles poisonous?

painted turtles are NOT harmful at all!

How long can a painted turtle live?

Painted Turtles lay eggs near the body of water that they are living in. They will usually lay with in about 10 feet of the waters edge. Although, painted turtles are picky at where they lay their eggs and they don't follow certain rules so it mainly just depends on the turtle's preference. A female may dig several tester holes before laying her eggs in the chosen hole. After burying the eggs the female may also urinate on the hole which creates a soon-to-be-solid mud block that protects the eggs from predators.

Turtles lay what type of eggs?

Turtles lay chicken eggs (just kidding just kidding) turtles lay turtle eggs......

How does the painted turtle drink?

painted turtles drink out of a little drinking dish. painted turtles like fresh unsalted water

What is cool about painted turtles?

they are cool because they are turtles

What is another cool fact about painted turtles?

they ARE NOT painted.

Can boy turtles lay eggs?

No, male turtles can lay eggs.

How many babies can painted turtles have at a time?

Turtle don't give birth. They are repiles and lay eggs, some can lay up to 1000 at a time.