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Q: What is a constitutional ban?
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When did the constitutional convention say slave trade could be banned?

The Constitutional Convention said that congress could not ban slave trade until 1808.

What are the constitutional issues relevant to the civil war and reconstruction?

The constitutional issues relevant to the civil war and reconstruction include the lack of a ban on slavery, secession was also not prohibited by the constitution

Who led the opposition to a constitutional ban on slavery?

Abraham Lincoln, who was the 16th President of the United States, led the opposition to a constitutional ban on slavery. He was an ardent opponent of slavery and fought to abolish it during his presidency.

What is Prohibition and what Constitutional Amendment started the era of Prohibition?

Prohabition is a ban on something in this case alcohol and intoxications. The 18th amendment started it and was later repealed

Does Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell support same-sex marriage?

He supported Virginia's constitutional ban on same-sex marriage and is opposed to marriage equality.

Has a ballot measure concerning same-sex marriage been put before voters in Alabama?

Yes, in June 2006. 81% of voters approved a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage and civil unions. That ban has since been struck down as unconstitutional.

Does Kathleen Blanco support or oppose same-sex marriage?

Former Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco opposed same-sex marriage and supported a constitutional ban on it.

Why was a constitutional amendment to ban liquor ratified in the US?

Most average Americans in the colonial period and up were alcoholics and abusing their family and led to crime problems. HI

What is the IBAN for Ban?

iban is the ban for ban

Does Arizona's Proposition 102 ban same-sex civil unions?

It's important to note that Arizona didn't recognize civil unions for homosexuals in the first place, so the purpose of Prop 8 wasn't to ban a freedom (which was already denied) so much as bar AZ courts from being able to overturn the ruling. The job of the court is to determine whether or not something is constitutional. Making a constitutional amendment stating that marriage is defined as an act between a man and a woman bars the court from potentially allowing civil unions for gays. So yes, Prop 8 reiterates the ban on civil unions between homosexuals, but no, it doesn't ban civil unions between heterosexuals (though one can certainly argue it illegitimizes them and makes them more vulnerable). It's important to note that Arizona didn't recognize civil unions for homosexuals in the first place, so the purpose of Prop 8 wasn't to ban a freedom (which was already denied) so much as bar AZ courts from being able to overturn the ruling. The job of the court is to determine whether or not something is constitutional. Making a constitutional amendment stating that marriage is defined as an act between a man and a woman bars the court from potentially allowing civil unions for gays. So yes, Prop 8 reiterates the ban on civil unions between homosexuals, but no, it doesn't ban civil unions between heterosexuals (though one can certainly argue it illegitimizes them and makes them more vulnerable).

What is Arizona Congressman Paul R Gosar's position on repealing the federal Defense of Marriage Act?

Mr. Gosar supports a constitutional amendment that would ban same-sex marriage in the United States.