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Devolved government is government which is devolved, either wholly or partially, from state level to a more local level. However, unlike in a federal system, such devolved administrations exist in statute, not constitutional law, and can have their powers broadened or narrowed, or can even be abolished, by an act of the legislature. In contrast, regional administrations in federal systems have a constitutionally guaranteed right to exist with constitutionally defined powers

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Q: What is a devolved government?
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What are three examples of government?

Government of the United KingdomFederal government of the United StatesNorthern Ireland Excutive (devolved)

Is Wales politically independent?

No Wales has a devolved government with limited powers

How are Scotland and Wales similar?

They are both in the United Kingdom but both have devolved government.

What was the Local self-government in Ireland called?

In Northern Ireland the local government is called the NI executive, known as a devolved government.

What is the Northern Ireland Assembly and the executive committee?

The Assembly is like Northern Ireland's parliament and the Executive is like its government. Northern Ireland has a devolved government, so it only has some powers and the other powers come from Westminster in London.The Assembly is like Northern Ireland's parliament and the Executive is like its government. Northern Ireland has a devolved government, so it only has some powers and the other powers come from Westminster in London.The Assembly is like Northern Ireland's parliament and the Executive is like its government. Northern Ireland has a devolved government, so it only has some powers and the other powers come from Westminster in London.The Assembly is like Northern Ireland's parliament and the Executive is like its government. Northern Ireland has a devolved government, so it only has some powers and the other powers come from Westminster in London.The Assembly is like Northern Ireland's parliament and the Executive is like its government. Northern Ireland has a devolved government, so it only has some powers and the other powers come from Westminster in London.The Assembly is like Northern Ireland's parliament and the Executive is like its government. Northern Ireland has a devolved government, so it only has some powers and the other powers come from Westminster in London.The Assembly is like Northern Ireland's parliament and the Executive is like its government. Northern Ireland has a devolved government, so it only has some powers and the other powers come from Westminster in London.The Assembly is like Northern Ireland's parliament and the Executive is like its government. Northern Ireland has a devolved government, so it only has some powers and the other powers come from Westminster in London.The Assembly is like Northern Ireland's parliament and the Executive is like its government. Northern Ireland has a devolved government, so it only has some powers and the other powers come from Westminster in London.The Assembly is like Northern Ireland's parliament and the Executive is like its government. Northern Ireland has a devolved government, so it only has some powers and the other powers come from Westminster in London.The Assembly is like Northern Ireland's parliament and the Executive is like its government. Northern Ireland has a devolved government, so it only has some powers and the other powers come from Westminster in London.

What is scotand's current form of government?

It is a partially devolved democratic parliament within a constitutional monarchy.

Is Northern Ireland ruled from Dublin?

No. It has a devolved government in Belfast and comes under the rule of Westminster in London.

Have morality and ethics in business evolved?

I'd say they've devolved, especially if they're related to the government.

What is the nature of Nigerian Federalism?

The governmental parts are shared between the central government and component governments of the states. The central government has devolved into the governments of states.

What does wales have that's similar to Scotland?

Mountains, national identity, devolved government, own language, Celtic origins.

Does Scotland have independence?

In short no. Scotland has a devolved government and Parliament but is still part of the U.K.

What type of government divides powers between a central authority and regional authorities?

A devolved government divides power between a central authority and the regional authority.