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Q: What is a disadvantage of an executive agreement?
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Agreement between the president and the leader of another country?

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What is an example of an executive agreement?

An executive agreement is defined as being an agreement which is made between the president and a foreign country. One example of an executive agreement was NAFTA.

How is an executive agreement from a treaty?

An executive agreement does not require Senate approval.

How is an executive agreement different from treaty?

An executive agreement does not require Senate approval.

What is the difference between executive agreement and the treaty?

The executive agreement is like setting the rules for the treaty.

What is an agreement between heads of states?

executive agreement

How can Congress change or amend an executive agreement?

Congress can pass a joint resolution revoking an executive agreement.

Why was the Iran Nuclear Agreement an executive agreement?

The Iran Nuclear Agreement was an executive agreement because Obama chose to name it an executive agreement. There is nothing in the Agreement that makes it an executive agreement as opposed to a treaty, but Obama was well aware that a treaty requires two-thirds approval by the Senate and he could not count on two-thirds of Senators approving the agreement. As a result, he chose to make it an executive agreement, which only needs an up or down vote from half of the senators.

When a new President takes office what of the following may he or she refuse to honor?

An Executive Agreement Made by the Previous President

What is the agreement between the president and the head of state?

Executive Agreement

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